
Electoral law, check the double shift: in the afternoon the text to be examined by the Pd Directorate

The second round (i.e. a run-off between the two formations that received the most votes) would be envisaged by the latest draft of the electoral reform if no party or coalition reaches the 35% threshold, beyond which the 15% majority premium would be triggered - Waiting for the Pd Direction in the afternoon

Electoral law, check the double shift: in the afternoon the text to be examined by the Pd Directorate

And finally the double shift returned. Yet another correction to the Spanish model, this time with a French twist. This would be the last possible agreement on the new electoral law. Here are the main features of the agreement which this afternoon will be discussed and voted on by the leadership of the Democratic Party, with the caveat that there is still no definitive text and several details are still susceptible to important modifications. 


The creature born from the "deep harmony" between the democratic secretary Matteo Renzi and the number one of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi, protagonists on Saturday of a controversial summit in the Roman headquarters of the Democratic Party but then refined by the continuous contacts between Renzi and Alfano, it should foresee the second round (that is, a run-off between the two formations that received the most votes) if no party or coalition reaches the 35% threshold. This is a solution to be adopted, according to the mayor of Florence, to prevent the need to create governments of broad agreements from recurring in the future. 


Whoever exceeds the 35% ceiling, or whoever wins the ballot, obtains a majority premium of 15%, even if there are still those who insist on increasing it to 16 or 18%. 


Difficult life, however, for the smaller parties, since rather high thresholds are looming: 5% for forces included in a coalition and 8% for those who choose to run alone. For the entire coalition, however, there is talk of a barrier of 10-12%.


The blocked mini-lists, made up of six candidates per constituency, also remain on the table. 
