
The Chamber to the Government: "Halve the budget for the F35"

The Pd motion approved today by the Chamber also commits the Executive to seek "every possible solution and agreement with international partners" with the aim "of maximizing the economic, employment and technological returns" of the programme.

The Chamber to the Government: "Halve the budget for the F35"

Cut the money for F35s in half. The Hall of Camera today gave the green light to the Pd motion which commits the Government to a cut equal to 50% of the budget earmarked for the purchase of new military aircraft. The motion had obtained a favorable opinion from the Government.

Italy had earmarked approx 12 billion euros to the multiannual program F35, the latest generation of Lockheed Martin fighters. The number of F35s that Italy should buy has already dropped from 131 to 90, of which 75 for the Air Force and 15 for the Navy. The American aircraft are intended to replace about 160 fighters that will remain on the ground in a few years because they are obsolete.

In the text, the Executive also undertakes to seek "every possible solution and agreement with international partners" with the aim "of maximize economic, occupational and technological returns" of the program.

At the moment, the Italian participation in the F35 only involves the assembly of parts of the fighter while Finmeccanica would also like to participate in the production of electronic parts with its subsidiary Selex Es. The assembly work is currently expected to guarantee, when fully operational, in Italy an occupation equal to about 1.500 direct employees. Including related industries, the amount of the national workforce will reach a total of 6.500 units in the same period of time.

The Montecitorio Assembly also approved the other motions of the majority, all with the favorable opinion of the Executive (from Sc the request to the Government to "update" the program in relation to budgetary needs) and that presented by Fi (also in favorable opinion from the Government in this case).

The Pd motion - first signatory Gian Piero Scanu, group leader in the defense commission - received 275 votes in favor and 45 against with 152 abstentions.

“This is an important indication both in terms of merit and method – said Scanu during the explanations of vote -. In fact, on the one hand, in our opinion, it is right to rationalize the resources allocated to the F35s, on the other, it is essential that Parliament decides, as established by the Reform on weapon systems that we strongly supported at the end of the last legislature. Our motion, therefore, is consistent with a review process of the military instrument and with the strict budget constraints imposed by the crisis".

On the other hand, the motions presented by SEL and M5S which aimed at leaving the purchase program and by Lega Nord which called for a suspension of the program were rejected.
