
Ilva, Bentivogli: Emiliano plays in shambles, that's enough

For the general secretary of the Fim-Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, the Memorandum of Understanding developed by the Government is positive, while further raises by the Governor of Puglia, Emiliano, are unsustainable and have only electoral purposes that risk endangering the rescue of the Ilva

"The Protocol sent to us by the Government contains the requests that we have been asking for for some time in the 9 articles and which have the merit of involving all interested parties in a constructive work", thus in a note, commenting on the news on Ilva, the general secretary of the Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli.

“The umpteenth relaunch of the Governor of Puglia Emiliano – said Bentivogli -, at this point it would be ridiculous if the situation weren't already serious and beyond all limits. All of us, but in particular those who hold institutional roles, have a duty to do their part and not personalize the political clash on events that await decisions and concreteness".

The proposed Protocol is signed by ministers Claudio De Vincenti and Carlo Calenda, "who for us are the interlocutors with whom to discuss, it is the document on which to proceed in the work to be done".

As far as the Fim Cisl is concerned, the note continues, "the two Ministers represent the Government and the Prime Minister, denying the interlocutor is the appropriate attitude for those who have no arguments and are delaying environmentalization and the safeguarding of employment".

“The citizens of Taranto and the workers of Ilva are well aware that these continuous raises have only electoral purposes. Too much time has passed, we must hurry to build and implement the provisions laid down by The Hague. Like many things proposed by the Governor, the rationale for the inclusion of the Apulian aqueduct in the Ilva capital escapes us - and is part of the continuous confusion that fuels only useful for wasting more precious time. It is enough for us to recall Salvemini's phrase on the Pugliese aqueduct: "That cyclopean work that gave more to eat than to drink"."
