
Generali exceeds all targets: sprint on profit and dividend

Generali has exceeded all the targets of the 2015-8 plan on cash flow generation, Roe and dividends – Significant growth in profit which increases by 9,4% – Operating result improves by 3% – Coupon for shareholders increases by 5,9 .XNUMX% over last year

Generali exceeds all targets: sprint on profit and dividend

Generali closes 2018 with a Net income equal to 2,3 billion euros, up 9,4% on an annual basis. The Operating income stood at 4,9 billion (+3%), while the dividend proposed by the Board of Directors to the shareholders' meeting amounts to 0,9 euro per share, with an increase of 5,9% compared to last year.

The group also points out that it has “exceeded all targets of the 2015-2018 plan”. In particular, the cash generation cumulative reached 8 billion (the goal was to exceed 7 billion), while i cumulative dividends amounted to 5,1 billion (the group was aiming to overtake the 5 billion mark) and the Average operating Roe 2015-2018 it stood at 13,4% (target >13%).

“With the results we are presenting today, Assicurazioni Generali closes the 2015-2018 plan, exceeding all targets and successfully completing the industrial transformation of the Group – commented the group CEO, Philippe Donnet – Also in 2018, in which we achieved strong growth in net profit, Generali confirms that it is the best practice in technical performance, with the best New Business Margin and Combined Ratio compared to its direct competitors".

Il Combined ratio scored 93% (+0,1 pp), while the Regulatory Solvency Ratio it reached 216% (207% in FY2017, +9 pp).

With regard to the net collection, in the Life segment was equal to 11,4 billion (+5,2%). total gross premiums at 66,7 billion, up 4,9% thanks to the development of both the Life and Non-Life segments.

Finally, asset management profit it grew by 24%, to 235 million. The increase is due "to the capital employed on Real Assets by Generali's insurance companies - reads the note - to the net growth of external customers, to the improvement in cost efficiencies and, marginally, to the increase in the market share of the units linked with Generali's asset management products”.

“Since January XNUMXst – concluded Donnet – the whole group has been busy carrying out the new “Generali 2021” plan, with the aim of generating increasing value for our shareholders, investing in profitable growth, innovation and digital transformation of our business, with the ambition of becoming a life-time partner for our customers".
