
Financial education for everyone at the Salone del Risparmio

Global Thinking Foundation brings financial education to the Salone del Risparmio in Milan with D2-Women Squared

Financial education for everyone at the Salone del Risparmio

Al Milan Savings Fair also comes the Global Thinking Foundation, through the “D2 – Women squared” initiative for financial education for everyone. The title of the panel, which will be moderated by the president of the Global Thinking Foundation (a non-profit that promotes financial literacy), Claudia Segre, it is precisely "Financial education for all: a social aggregation tool for sustainable growth".

The meeting will give space to the story of financial education experiences and initiatives that have involved migrants, the elderly, millennials and women. Precisely for women, in fact, it was born in October 2017, in collaboration with Assiom Forex (the Association of market operators) “D2 – Women
squared”, a free financial education course made by women for women and active throughout Italy. At the Salone there will be the testimony of Antonio Decaro, mayor of Bari, the city in which the initiative is taking place with great success.

Speakers, in addition to Claudia Segre and Antonio Decaro:

Giovanna Boggio Robutti – FEDUF General Manager
Financial literacy in the global era from migrants to old age

Elena Motta – Director General Directa Sim – Lecturer Women squared
Family planning and the digital revolution with Women Squared

Giulia Cappelletti – FamilyMI Testimonial
Financial Education: isn't it for Millennials?
