
From trust to trust, for Berlusconi it is a record

In this legislature, the Executive has already asked for (and obtained) legislative measures 45 times: exactly how many Berlusconi had asked for in his previous government, from June 2001 to April 2006. If we also count those on motions and resolutions, we reach 50.

From trust to trust, for Berlusconi it is a record

There is still a year and a half left before the end of the legislature: therefore it is more than probable that the bar of trust requests will be further raised. And, moreover, it is foreseeable that, after the Senate, the Chamber will also be called to a vote of confidence on this maneuver in the next few days.

There has been no argument on which Berlusconi - who also enjoys a large majority both in Montecitprio and in Palazzo Madama - has not asked for trust, at an average rate of one a month. Just to give an idea: it begins on June 24, 2008 with the request for confidence in the rules to safeguard the purchasing power of families, 20 days later it is the turn of the rules on public safety. And just 4 days later, on July 18, it was the turn of urgent provisions for development and it was repeated, on the same theme, on August 4.

After the summer break, on 6 October the government asked for confidence in the decree on education and universities and 15 days later for more confidence, this time in the restructuring of large companies in crisis. And the list could go on. Only in this part of the year, already 9 times the government has resorted to relying on provisions of the law.

Fast paced, as you can see. And trust is often requested on disruptive topics: this is the case of telephone interceptions, the nuclear moratorium, the Italian participation in international missions, the impediment to appear at the hearing. Issues on which a minimum of debate and comparison would not hurt.
