
Fiscal decree: first yes in the Senate

The text is now being examined by the Chamber where the Montecitorio Budget Commission is already oriented towards closing the exam by December XNUMXst - Among the main changes, the fair compensation for all professionals, the tightening of the crime of stalking and the restoration of the monthly frequency for TLC and pay TV bills

The Senate Chamber has given the go-ahead to trust the tax decree linked to the maneuver, approving the text with the changes introduced by the Budget Commission. There were 148 votes in favour, 116 against. The text is now being examined by the Chamber where the Montecitorio Budget Commission is already oriented towards closing the exam by December 15st to then leave room for further changes. The conversion into law must take place by XNUMX December.

In reality, the approved text is a maxi-amendment presented by the government and entirely replacing the original decree. Pd, Ap-Ncd voted in favor, M5S, Northern League, Federation of Freedom, Italian Left and Mdp-Article 1 against, while Forza Italia preferred not to vote. On the other hand, the Mdp, the Italian Left, the Northern League, the Federation of Freedom group and the M5S are against.

The text "incorporates the changes" introduced by the Budget Commission and with reference to the "additional article" on motorway concessions "brings an accounting correction and clarifies the procedure for the stipulation of conventional deeds", specified the minister of relations with the Parliament, Anna Finocchiaro.

The main changes made to the text include the recognition of the right to fair compensation for all professionals (not just lawyers), the tightening of the crime of stalking and the possibility of extinguishing the crime with the "remedial conduct" envisaged by the recent reform of the criminal trial, the restoration of the monthly frequency for TLC and pay TV bills and an "earthquake package" which strengthens the interventions not only for Central Italy but also for Ischia and for the territories hit in the past.
