
Buy Gold, contributions to Oam from 15 July: here's how much to pay

Here is who and by when contributions for the second half of 2019 must be paid and the table with the amounts.

Buy Gold, contributions to Oam from 15 July: here's how much to pay

Gold buyers who were registered in the Oam register (Body of credit agents and brokers) as at 31 December 2018 are required to pay the contributions for the July-December 2019 semester. Payments can be made between 15 July and up to 30 September of this year.

The contribution will have a fixed amount, differentiated according to the legal nature of the operator and the exclusivity or otherwise of the activity, and a variable amount linked to the number of operating offices.

Members who have submitted a cancellation request from the OAM by 30 June 2019 or for whom an official cancellation procedure is already in progress on the same date are exempt from payment.

"Similarly - explains the agency - the variable contribution must not be paid for the operational headquarters/point of sale for which, within said term, an application to change data for closure of the same has been presented".

As regards those who registered or will register for the first time in the Oam in 2019, the subjects will only have to pay the registration fee and will not have to pay further contributions for the current year, except for any changes in the operational headquarters/ point of sale or the transformation of the secondary to main activity.

The table below summarizes the amount of the contribution differentiated between legal persons and natural persons and between main and secondary activity.
