
Popular banks: 100 million in social loans

Assopopolari presented the 2020 Social Report - The Secretary General De Lucia Lumeno: "The social commitment of the popular groups is essential for fighting the crisis".

Popular banks: 100 million in social loans

Assopopolari presented the “Social Report 2020”, in which it emerges that, during the economic crisis triggered by Covid-19, cooperative and local banks allocated over 100 million, as a share of undistributed profits, to finance initiatives of a purely social nature. About 35 million (35%) went to charity et al social support; 9 million (9%) were used to finance healthcare and medical-scientific interventions; almost 16 million were allocated to public utility interventions and the same amount in the artistic and cultural sphere.

In presenting the '2020 Social Report', the general secretary of Assopopolari, Giuseppe De Lucia Lumeno, underlines how “the social commitment carried out by cooperative banks takes on a very particular meaning in the current context. Never as in the past year, can we state that the entire activity and overall effort of cooperative banks and the territory can be considered 'social activity'. The economic crisis calls everyone to make an extraordinary contribution. For popular credit banks this takes place through the support for the real economy which is a regular and daily way of operating. It has always been like this and it will always be like this even if, in this phase, given the drama of the crisis, operating in social terms takes on a completely new meaning and value”.
