
Energy Authority: here is the annual report

Download the annual report on the state of services and on the activity carried out published by the Authority for electricity and gas in Pdf – Attached is also the presentation of the President of the Authority, Guido Bortoni.

Incentives for renewable energy remain higher than European levels despite the latest government interventions that have lowered them. This was stated by the president of the Electricity and Gas Authority, Guido Bortoni, when presenting the Authority's annual report.

"The latest ministerial provisions relating to renewable sources for the production of electricity have reduced the incentives - underlined Bortoni - although, pending their zeroing achievable with the achievement of the so-called grid parity, these stand at a level even higher than that of many other European countries. It is a solid first step but other actions are also needed, which fit into the context of the rigor-growth binomial”.

Bortoni noted that in a context of scarce resources "only a downsizing of future electricity incentives can allow resources to be transferred to the development of renewable thermal sources and energy efficiency, in the hope of being able to thus also exploit the strengths of the industry Italian in these sectors".

Not only that: “The few resources still available – concluded Bortoni – must be allocated precisely where the possibilities of yield are greatest, according to selectivity criteria, in terms of effectiveness. By way of example, through the mechanism of energy efficiency certificates - the so-called white certificates - over 2005 million tons of oil equivalent have been saved since 14".


Attached is the complete text of the report and the presentation of President Bortoni. 

Attachments: AEEG_2012 report_vol 1.pdf
