
School contract: all increases for teachers, ATA staff and administrative directors 

Signed, but not by Uil, the new school, university and research contract for the three-year period 2019-2021 – Average increases of 124 euros, here are all the latest news

School contract: all increases for teachers, ATA staff and administrative directors

After months of waiting and comparison, the school contract, university and research for the three-year period 2019-2021. The most awaited innovations concern the increases that will average 124 euros gross per month, and will concern not only teachers, but also ATA staff and administrative directors. Various measures are also envisaged aimed at regulating working conditions and the activity of tutors and guidance counsellors. The Government has also agreed to allocate an additional 72 million euros to close the issue. 

School contract: all increases 

After the agreement at the end of 2022, the vast majority of workers in the school sector waited to know if the new contract would really bring about wage increases and their amount. Well, according to the provisions of the agreement, there will be a gross increase of 124 euros per month for the teachers, of 94 euros gross per month for the staff Ata e of 190 euros per month for i administrative directors.

The other news of the school contract

The understanding concerns in total 1,2 million employees, of which 1,15 million belonging to the school and Afam sectors (including 850 thousand teachers), and 77.255 workers in the university and research institutions sectors (excluding teachers). 

The contract provides for various innovations concerning the regulation of working conditions, first of all that concerning agile work which during the pandemic – with Dad – had created perplexities and uncertainties. At the moment, the contract regulates the non-distance teaching activity of teachers and regulates the activity of tutors and guidance counsellors, two new figures desired by the ministry who are now classified as professional functions.

During the negotiations, the provisions relating to school personnel, administrative personnel of universities and academies and conservatories were reviewed, while a supplementary agreement is envisaged for the personnel of research institutions. In particular, for research institutions, the agreement provides a subsequent negotiation for the definition of the professional system and to resolve the issue of additional resources for research institutions not supervised by the Ministry of University and Research (Mur).

Ministers and unions satisfied, but Uil does not sign the contract

“The new contract marks an important step towards an ever greater 

enhancement of all school staff, both teachers and Ata", said the Minister of Education and Merit, Joseph Vallettara. 

"This is a fundamental step for the improvement of working conditions in a crucial sector for the growth of the country", adds the minister of public administration Paul Zangrillo. 

As for the unions, Maurizio Landini, general secretary of the CGIL, speaks of an "important result", while Luigi Barra, number one of the CISL comments: "Great news that concerns one million two hundred thousand people in the public sector". “We have achieved appreciable results considering the starting point. Now, however, the negotiations for the contract for the period 2022-2024 will open immediately ", adds Rino Di Meglio della Gilda.

Of a completely different opinion the Uil which has decided not to put its signature on the new contract. The reasons? "The political node on mobility, the lack of enhancement of ATA staff, the precariousness of the secretarial work, the absence of references to Italian schools abroad and the part dedicated to union relations, which is not convincing", explained the school secretary Joseph D'April.
