Rome, Muraro resigns: it is under investigation

At the end theCouncilor for the Environment of the Municipality of Rome, Paola Muraro, she resigned. She did it as a result of a warranty notice of the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office for alleged violations of the Consolidated Environmental Act and after months and months of controversy over her not-so-clear past as a collaborator of the AMA, the capital's waste company.

Thus ends the soap opera that tormented the first months of the life of the Virginia Raggi junta, the mayor of the M5S who has always defended Muraro to the sword, even at the cost of infuriating the grillina base. With Muraro, who has resigned into the hands of the mayor, another piece of the Raggi junta falls, losing one of its most important councilors in a very difficult phase in the life of the capital, submerged by debts and corruption and so far unable to react to the glaring degradation.

"In the name of transparency, we promptly communicate the notification received from Paola Muraro, fully respecting what we have always assured citizens - said the mayor in a video posted on Facebook - We look forward to the councilor clarifying her position in detail and, in in the meantime, I will assume his duties".

For her part, Muraro made it known through her lawyer that on Monday the Rome Public Prosecutor's Office served her with a guarantee notice in reference to article 256 of the Consolidated Law on the Environment: "At the same time, I was informed that I will be heard by the Public Prosecutor's Office next December 21st. I am calm and convinced of being able to demonstrate my total extraneousness to the facts. However, out of a sense of institutional responsibility and out of respect for this administration, I have decided to resign pending clarification of my position".

There are precisely five charges against the outgoing commissioner, with reference to the time in which he was Ama's consultant: violation of article 256 paragraph 4 of the 2006 law (environmental crimes) in competition, depending on the individual cases, with four other persons responsible, at the material time, for individual devices of the Tmb plants of Rocca Cencia and via Salaria, the disputed crime .

For that of abuse of office we go towards a request for filing. In the invitation to appear for the interrogation of 21 December next, signed by the deputy prosecutors Michele Prestipino and Paolo Ielo, as well as by the public prosecutor Alberto Galanti, Muraro is accused of having "operated - reads the guarantee notice - a management of waste in violation of the requirements of the authorizations concerning the management of the plants themselves as regards in particular the percentages of transformation of incoming waste into RDF, FOS and processing waste for the years 2010-2015, separately for the Rocca Cencia and Salario plant ”. "The data resulting from this analysis - says the prosecutor's provision - in fact indicate a significant discrepancy between the provisions of the Ministerial Decree of 25 March 2013 and the performance achieved by the mechanical and biological treatment plants managed by Ama SpA".

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