The meeting of the top management of the FIGC is expected for Wednesday afternoon - Ballano 750 thousand euros in severance pay, the figure that has so far prompted Ventura not to resign - The most probable scenario to date is that of dismissal with…
Rome, Muraro resigns: it is under investigation

The councilor for the environment of the Grillina council of Rome, Paola Muraro, was reached by a guarantee notice from the prosecutor of the capital for alleged environmental violations and resigned into the hands of the mayor Raggi, who had always defended her by infuriating…
Renzi: "Resignation after the manoeuvre" (VIDEO)

The premier went to the Quirinale for the second time today with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, accepting the proposal to remain in the saddle at least until the approval of the 2017 Budget law, which should arrive within this week (missing…
Minister Guidi resigns: "Certain of my good faith"

In a letter to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the minister explains that he considers his resignation necessary "due to political expediency" after his partner Gianluca Gemelli was investigated for trafficking in illicit influences - The investigation into the production of hydrocarbons…