5 Star Movement, Grillo hunts the Italian press

The stage in Piazza San Giovanni will remain off limits for the Italian press, with the exception of Sky. Doors open only for foreign journalists. This is the decision of the Movimento 5 Stelle in view of the closing demonstration of the electoral campaign scheduled for this evening at 21 pm in Rome. The first to speak will be the local administrators of the Movement. Italian journalists will not be able to access the area reserved for the press: the M5S staff have denied them accreditation, despite the fact that in recent days the press invitations had gone out precisely from the 5 Star Movement of Lazio. Access will be allowed only to foreign televisions and journalists, while the live signal of the event will go exclusively to Sky: all the other televisions, from Rai to Mediaset, will have to rely on Murdoch's television.

But if the grillini don't like the Italian media, the opposite is often also true. The deputy director general of Rai, Antonio Marano, informed that the instant polls (i.e. the results of the interviews carried out with the voters immediately after the vote) for the next elections will have to be canceled precisely because of the Movimento 5 Stelle and its "impact" . The Fatto Quotidiano site literally reports the email addressed to the heads of all the TV and radio mastheads. Here is the text:

"Dear Directors, in the light of the evolution of the electoral situation, which is even more uncertain just before the vote, above all due to the dynamics concerning the 5 Star Movement and its impact on the overall political system, in agreement with the Institute Piepoli and the General Management have decided not to proceed with the creation of 'Instant polls' for the next political and regional electoral consultations. Therefore, the first data available will be those referring to the projections according to the timings already communicated and the main steps of which are summarized below: 25 February by 16 pm: first projection relating to the Senate (% votes, total Italy); 00 February by 25 pm: first screening relating to the Chamber (% votes); 19,00 February by 26 pm: first screening relating to the regional consultations (% votes for candidates and related lists). Best regards. Anthony Marano". 

Contacted by ANSA, Marano then explained: “From 15 pm we will issue instant polls of both policies and regional elections, indicating with a pair of scissors the percentages of coalitions, lists and candidates for the regions. It is true that instant polls were not envisaged in the tender, but a mandate was subsequently given to put together a proposal to implement them. The analysis will not be easy, because there are forces such as the 5 Star Movement and the Civil Revolution that do not have a historical precedent, an element on which the polls are based. For this there were doubts from society and business. In the light of what is happening and the fact that the gap is narrowing, we will in any case propose the instant polls, giving the percentages with a gap and not the seats".

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