China: "It is essential to implement the anti-crisis plan to reduce Greece's debt"

Even China expresses itself on the EU's anti-crisis plan which should reduce Greece's debt. "We hope that the Europeans can implement this plan to resolve the crisis," said Hong Lei, spokesman for the foreign ministry, when asked about the referendum wanted by Athens on the bailout plan.

Also in these days the G20 is taking place in Cannes, these are the assessments and impressions of the Chinese president Hu Jintao, who gave an interview to Le Figaro before reaching the summit. “G20 members must strengthen their cooperation and work for strong, lasting and balanced growth of the world economy. The Cannes summit must focus on this objective”. Said the Chinese president, who also underlined that the objectives of this G20 must not be exclusively concentrated on issues such as sovereign debt or price volatility, but that important issues must be at the center of the discussion such as a reform of the monetary system and finance, greater trade liberalization and the problem of inequalities between the north and south of the world. To address these needs, added Hu Jintao, it will be necessary to give more voice to emerging countries.

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