Gas, Ravenna regasification terminal: authorization decree signed. By 2024 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas


24 hours after the expiry of the terms, the green light has arrived for the authorization decree of the regasification terminal off the coast of Ravenna. 

5 billion cubic meters of gas a year from the Ravenna regasification terminal

The president of the Region Stefano Bonaccini, as extraordinary commissioner of Government, signed the provision that de facto unlock the process which will make it possible to create a work which, according to estimates, in 2024 it will be able to produce at least 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year, equal to about a sixth of the amount currently imported by Russia. It is, in detail, the8% of the national gas requirement which will be produced by a state-of-the-art Frsu ship docked 8 kilometers from the beaches of Punta Marina, connected to national gas pipelines by 40 kilometers of pipelines that will circumnavigate Ravenna.

The next steps

The work will fully comply with the conditions and requirements defined by the Services Conference, to protect the environment and safety, underlines the Region. The signing of the provision falls within the 120 days time allotted by the government for the conclusion of the procedure. Once the authorization process has been completed - now the decree will be sent to the same executive - it will be up to to Snam proceed with the assignment of the works for the construction of the work which involves an investment of around one billion and which, according to estimates, will be completed within a "maximum time" set at "September 2024". 

"Despite the tight deadlines indicated by the Government, together with the territory and all the bodies involved we have carried out a meticulous work of analysis of the project, identifying all the interventions necessary to guarantee safety, respect for the environment and protection of the ecosystem, of sea ​​and land, as well as the necessary mitigations,” he said Bonaccini, who underlined how we have reached "a green light shared by the social partners and the local community, by the entire energy district of Ravenna, a national excellence". The regasification terminal, you added, is “a work at the service of the whole country, which we intend to do together with the largest wind and photovoltaic park in Italy and among the largest in Europe, still off the coast of Ravenna, because the future, once the ecological transition phase is over, lies in renewable energies”. 

“We are facing a historic fact in terms of methods, timing and investment engineering. We have demonstrated how in 120 days an energy-intensive plant can be authorized, for which on average ten years are expected, without failing any constraint, control or guarantee of legality and sustainability, but with an intelligent quality bureaucracy, and a participatory process, included in our Pact for work and the climate, which is the distinctive model of Emilia-Romagna", underlined Vincenzo Colla, councilor for economic development and green economy.

Snam: "Ready for the third quarter of 2024"

“Today – he explained Stefano Venier, CEO of Snam – a first path closes, but a second one opens up for us that is even more challenging. In two years we have to build about half a billion works to put into operation the gas tanker Singapore, which we will rename when we buy it and bring it here to Ravenna next June from Egypt, where it is now docked. She is a vessel of 300 meters in length, with a capacity of 5 billion cubic meters of gas, equipped with the latest generation technologies, which will go into production in the last quarter of 2024, the time necessary to equip the wharf that must host it at 8km from the coast and build both the pipeline part and approximately 35 km of onshore pipelines, which will be laid with highly advanced trenchless solutions, without having to dig. Giving work to the local supply chain at zero kilometer”. 

Venier stressed how much it is the strategic choice of Ravenna and Piombino as locations of the two regasification terminals, both in terms of the energy supplies already available, and for "the barycentric position with respect to all the most important gas transport axes, from the south, east and west, which converge here, and because together the two poles they guarantee 50% of the country's regasification capacity near the points of greatest consumption, i.e. in the most industrialized and energy-intensive area”.

The latest news from Piombino

The official signature of the extraordinary commissioner for the Piombino regasification terminal, the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, on the ordinance which gives the go-ahead for the installation in the port of the Tuscan town of Golar Tundra regasification vessel It arrived on October 25th. 

Unlike what happened in Ravenna, where all the parties involved managed to reach an agreement, in Tuscany iThe mayor of Piombino promises barricades and, a few hours after the signing, he announced an appeal to the Tar against the work. "From our point of view - said Francesco Ferrari, an exponent of FdI - the signing of the authorization for the construction of the work by Commissioner Eugenio Giani does not move the point: he had already announced on Friday at the end of the Services Conference that he would go went ahead and did it. After all, will already affirmed from day one. Likewise, we had replied that we would challenge the authorization before the Tar and we will do it ".

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