
La Malfa: "If Monti had done like Thatcher, he would have won the elections"

GIORGIO LA MALFA 的证词:“我很幸运能够在科威特入侵期间亲眼看到她的工作”——“即使对于像我这样不认同她理念的人来说,她也具有出色的领导才能和惊人的清晰视野” – “If Monti had done like the Iron Lady, he would have won the elections”

La Malfa: "If Monti had done like Thatcher, he would have won the elections"

玛格丽特·撒切尔 (Margaret Thatcher) 是英国生活中非凡的主角,因为除了人们对她的哲学(我不认同)的共识或异议之外, 它的历史价值在于为英国政治和经济恢复了清晰的含义. After years of dullness and confusion, she had the courage to bring a fundamental vision and the sense of this novelty is confirmed by the fact that whoever succeeded her (Blair) had to transform her party to win the elections.

除了拥有清晰的视野和坚定的政治路线外, 撒切尔夫人具有出色的执政能力 (想想矿工罢工和马岛战争)。 他表现出决心和政治意识,因为在马岛战争中——如果我能给出我的解释的话——撒切尔夫人凭借伟大政治家的拳头,利用英国人的爱国情绪,能够在选举中战胜矿工。 否则他就输了:他推广了一项不受欢迎的政策。 If Monti had tackled the Marò problem with the same spirit, perhaps he would have won the elections.

1990 年入侵科威特期间,我在伦敦的工作中亲眼看到了它。 玛格丽特撒切尔说萨达姆侯赛因是希特勒,科威特是摩纳哥. 她和布什之间的会面具有决定性意义,因为在 48 小时内,美国政府决定采取行动,整个美国都表明了立场。
