
France, Hollande: "If I win the elections I will immediately propose a new European agreement"

"If elected, I will immediately propose a reform of the European treaty" - So the socialist candidate for the next French presidential elections, François Hollande, criticized the results of the Brussels summit arguing that "many things are still missing", in particular Eurobonds和增长——奥朗德在民意调查中领先萨科齐

France, Hollande: "If I win the elections I will immediately propose a new European agreement"

即将举行的法国总统选举中的社会党候选人, 奥朗德,也在欧洲舞台上向萨科齐发起挑战。 据称,根据奥朗德的说法,在 布鲁塞尔协议, 将现任总统视为伟大的主角,首先是与英国首相戴维卡梅伦的争论,左翼候选人取代了所有人: “If I am elected, I will immediately propose to renegotiate that Treaty”.

“目前的协议——奥朗德解释道—— 这不是对主权债务危机的良好回应。 If I am elected, I will propose to insert some important things that are missing, hoping that in the meantime France has not already been demoted ”.

萨科齐的主要挑战者(今天,前总理多米尼克·德维尔潘也以中间派候选人身份参加了总统竞选)缺少了什么? “尤其, 我们需要包括欧洲债券,绝对为增长奠定基础“。

目前, 社会党候选人在民意调查中领先,其中一些人将 56% 的法国人喜好归功于他。
