
WWF: Government and Environmental Culture for the Country

WWF: Government and Environmental Culture for the Country

The challenge launched by the WWF, on the occasion of the 2018 elections, on adapting the structure of our country's government to the priority environmental challenges on a global and European scale on the road to decarbonisation and the fight against the loss of biodiversity has been accepted and, therefore , we can only welcome that with the Draghi Government the birth of a Ministry for Ecological Transition is certified and figures with a declared sensitivity to sustainable development issues are included in important roles ". This was declared by Donatella Bianchi, President of WWF Italy.

In expressing satisfaction in seeing a technical figure of depth such as Minister Cingolani at the helm of the country's environmental policies in such a delicate situation, the WWF hopes that interventions for the defense of biodiversity and for the care of the territory will remain a cornerstone of the activities of the newborn Ministry and thus become the guiding parameters of the transition. It is also essential, as already represented to Prime Minister Draghi, to continue an open and lively discussion between the government and the environmental and scientific culture on the future of the country, in line with the choices made in the context of the European Green Deal and for the definition of the new contents of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The first test for the new Government and for the new Minister concerns the substantial revision of the PNRR, which still does not respond adequately to the challenges green launched by Europe with the Next Generation EU tool and which will require strong synergies of vision with other key Ministries, such as the one led by Enrico Giovannini, a figure capable of giving a new imprint to the country's infrastructure policies, starting with the electrification of the system of transport.  

According to the WWF, a) we still need to understand how Italy wants to respond to Europe's request to dedicate at least 37% of the resources put in place by the action plan for the climate and biodiversity, given that to date it is that only 31% of the total of 223.9 billion earmarked for the Plan was allocated; b) how Italy wants to make a real technological and systemic leap towards a decarbonised economy in all sectors, starting with the recovery of rapid growth from renewable energies and energy efficiency; c) the PNRR proposal does not identify any resources and tools specifically dedicated to the redevelopment and resilience of our natural heritage; d) from 2021 to 2026, only 3,61 billion euros will be allocated to the protection of the territory and, therefore, to the prevention of hydrogeological risk and for adaptation to climate change, 1,6% of the resources put in place by the plan ; e) 45,5% of the resources assigned to the Green Revolution and the Ecological Transition of the PNRR are for "existing projects" while Europe is asking for innovative interventions consistent with Green policies.
