
Wsj: ECB rethinks stress test for fear of maxi-fines from the USA

"They want to understand the potential impact on the capital structure of institutions," a qualified senior source told the Wall Street Journal. for violating the embargo against Iran and other countries.

Wsj: ECB rethinks stress test for fear of maxi-fines from the USA

The ECB is concerned about the heavy fines that European banks could receive from the American authorities, so it is thinking of introducing a specific examination of the potential burdens and the resources allocated to address them into the stress tests. The Wall Street Journal writes it, citing sources in the financial sector who have allegedly been contacted by the ECB itself. 

"They want to understand the potential impact on the capital structure of institutions," a senior source told the WSJ. The central bank will take over oversight of the big eurozone banks in November, in response to growing sanctions linked to scandals. 

In recent weeks, the US Justice Department is considering a fine of over ten billion dollars to be imposed on BNP Paribas for violating the embargo against Iran and other countries on Washington's blacklist.
