Work: stop to cocopro, towards an about-face on collective redundancies

The current maximum limit di 36 months for fixed-term contracts it will not be deleted. Also excluded, within the 36 months, is the hypothesis of reducing the extensions which will remain 5. This is assured by the Minister of Labor Giuliano Poletti on the eve of the Council of Ministers which will give the last green light to three implementing decrees of the Jobs Act: the one on the reorganization of contracts, the one on the contract with increasing protections and the one on the new Aspi, in addition to the decree on the single agency for inspections of the work (today divided between Inps and Inail). Minister Poletti met the trade unions yesterday and ruled out the possibility of reducing the duration of fixed-term contracts to 24 months. Finally, collective redundancies should be excluded from the Jobs Act: the new rules wanted by the government, which reduce the space for reintegration into the workplace by expanding that of economic compensation, in essence, will remain outside the implementing decrees.

In legislative decree on the reorganization of contracts, which will be discussed tomorrow in the Council of Ministers, peeps the fight against project collaborations and fake Co.co.co. In fact, the decree provides not only for the halt to new project contracts but also for the decision to bring the current contracts of this type to expiry. The deadline would be January 1, 2016. But how will the issue of project contracts and future hiring be resolved? In the meantime, the government will try to redefine the boundary between subordinate and self-employment by studying a system of relative presumption of subordination, entering criteria that will also be useful for identifying fake Co.co.co.
With the new decree job sharing disappears (shared work), thejoint association and the amount of the voucher. They will remain standing instead the supply contract (permanent leasing staff, eliminate the reasons) and the work on call.

Also interesting is the redefinition ofapprenticeship. The goal is to simplify the first level apprenticeship (for the diploma and professional qualification) and the third level apprenticeship, the one relating to higher education. We should move towards the German 'dual' model and eliminate the compulsory hiring quota.
Also not to be underestimated is the rule linked to corporate restructuring or reorganization. In these cases, the company will be able to change the worker's duties up to one level but without affecting the salary.

Also tomorrow, the Government will have to give the go-ahead on two other decrees: the contract with increasing protections , New Aspi. The knot relating to collective redundancies still remains to be resolved. Yesterday's meeting between Minister Poletti and the trade unions was not positive. On this point, the Executive will have to choose one of these three paths: farewell to the reinstatement for new hires, the reintroduction of real protection, the removal of the issue from the decree, referring the question to the discussion on the reorganization of social safety nets.

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