
Wine and Venetian villas: Sorsi d'Autore between tastings and culture organized by AIS

From 25 June to 24 July guided wine tastings with sommeliers, meetings with personalities from the Italian cultural scene in the extraordinary setting of historic Venetian villas

Wine and Venetian villas: Sorsi d'Autore between tastings and culture organized by AIS

Guided wine tastings, meetings with personalities from the Italian cultural scene in the extraordinary context of historic Venetian villas: it is a sensory experience in every sense “Signature sips” the initiative organized by Italian Sommelier Association of Veneto, Aida Foundation, Regional Institute of Venetian Villas and Association for Venetian Villas since 25 June at 24 July.

The first appointment will be held on Saturday 25 June from 16.30 pm, with a guided tour of Villa Vellaio called San Liberale or Erminia in Feltre (BL), where the tasting of the wines of the Coste del Feltrino Consortium will take place, led by Sommelier Ivan Del Puppo, AIS delegate of Belluno. At 18.30 the presentation of the book Chiambretti. Autobiography authorized by the daughter Margherita of the actor and television presenter Piero Chiambretti. The meeting will be moderated by Luca Telese, journalist, author, television and radio host.

Scheduled for Sunday 26 June at 10.30, the guided tour a Villa Murari Brà called The Woods of Isola della Scala (VR), which will be followed by a luxury brunch at the pila of the l'Artigliere restaurant. At 12.00 there will be show cooking by chef Davide Botta, member of the Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe association and Michelin Star in the historic Guide in 2003, accompanied by wines from Cantine Pasqua at the l'Artigliere restaurant.

The meeting on Sunday 3 July will begin at 16.30 with the discovery of Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari of Mira (VE) and the tasting of the wines of Luca Anselmi's Cantina Falezze, narrated by the Sommelier of the Venice delegation Enrico Zocco. At 18.30 Giovanni Allevi will give valuable advice to budding musicians with the book The rules of the piano. The meeting will be moderated by Cinzia Tani, writer, television and radio presenter.

The precious Venetian Villa Ensuring Leak-proof Ca' Zen di Taglio di Po (RO) it will host the third meeting of the review. The doors will open at 19.00 on Friday 15 July, followed by dinner in the villa with wines from the Corte Carezzabella and Vite in Rosa farms. The evening will be enlivened by theatrical and musical interludes on Lord Byron with the actress Gaia Carmagnani and the musician Gaia Rossato.

Sunday July 17 at Castelbrando of Cison di Valmarino (TV), from 16.30 it will be possible to participate in the guided tour and taste the wines of Cantina Tedeschi guided by Francesca Ceron, Sommelier of the AIS delegation of Treviso. Scheduled for 18.30 the meeting with Cesare Bocci, TV personality, creator and presenter of the program Journey into the great beauty, moderated by Cinzia Tani.

Friday 22 July will be the turn of Villa Morosini Cappello of Cartigliano (VI), which will open its doors at 16.30, with the tasting of the wines of Monte Zovo - Cottini family told by Marco Aldegheri, outgoing President of AIS Veneto. The day will continue at 18.30 with the intervention of Amerigo Restucci, architect, academician, as well as president of the Istituto Regionale Ville Venete (IRVV), who will dialogue with the journalist and television presenter Bianca Berlinguer.

Scheduled book presentations, music lessons and Immersive Garden Experience, an itinerary in the park with silent system headphones

A Villa Pisani Bolognaesi Scalabrin of Vescovana (PD), the appointment on Sunday 24 July will open with the Forest Bathing sensory journey, led by the natural science expert Mirco Tugnoli, to discover nature with different eyes. The activity will take place from 9.30 to 12.00, followed by lunch in the villa. In the afternoon, at 16.00, the Immersive Garden Experience will begin, an itinerary in the park with silent system headphones by the actor Fabio Mangolini and the garden designer Cecilia Comencini. During the event, the art and nature installation of the “sun hunters” Cazador del sol – food for the soul will be inaugurated. At 18.30 Tiziano Fratus will present the books Millenary trees of Italy and Every tree is a poet, with the moderation of the journalist Federica Augusta Rossi. This was followed by the tasting of the Ama Crai Est craft beers, led by Marco Comunian, teacher and supplier representative of AIS Veneto.

All wine tastings will be accompanied by a selection of cheeses from the Consortium for the protection of Asiago cheese and Bassini 1963 products.

In case of bad weather, the events will be held in the villas, in alternative spaces to the gardens. Information on prices and availability:
