
Wind: quarter down, termination rates weigh

The telephone company archives the first half with revenues of 2,729 billion euros, a slight decrease compared to the same period of 2011 – The 26% cut in termination rates weighs above all, "net of which the growth is equal to 3%" .

Wind: quarter down, termination rates weigh

Wind archives the first half with revenues of 2,729 billion euros, a slight decrease compared to the same period of 2011. The company communicates it, underlining that the decline is mainly due to the 26% cut in termination rates (i.e. the " toll" that one telephone operator must pay to another to "terminate" calls on the competitors' network), "net of which the growth is equal to 3%". 

The further 55% cut in mobile termination rates starting from July XNUMX "will lead to a further increase in pressure on Wind's revenues in the second half of the year - continues the note -: the first signs seen in July confirm this forecast , coupled with a growing focus on consumer spending.

As at 30 June, mobile customers exceeded 21,2 million, up 3% on 2011, "with a positive trend in prepaid mobile customers, in the high-spending post-paid consumer and business segment, and in the mobile internet segment , linked to the growing diffusion of smartphones and tablets”.

In fixed telephony, adds Wind, the first half was characterized by a change of strategy "which provides for a greater commercial focus on the direct customer segment with the highest profitability and a lower commercial presence on the indirect segment". The effect of this positioning "is highlighted by the strong growth in direct fixed voice customers, up 6% to 2,5 million, which significantly contributed to the growth in total fixed voice customers, which reached 3,19 million" .

“The growth of Wind's market share continues – commented the managing director Maximo Ibarra -, quarter after quarter, in a difficult macroeconomic context and with strong competitive pressure. Wind keeps its Ebitda stable and records a record 50% growth in mobile internet revenues”.

In the first half, Ebitda was 1,012 billion, stable at 37,1%, slightly down on the same period last year. 
