As part of the collaboration between the Italian Society for International Organization (SIOI) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for the implementation of activities in the field of space law and policies, ASI awards three scholarships worth total of 12.600,00 euros to cover three enrollment fees for the XNUMXth edition of the Master's course in Spatial Institutions and Policies.
The effective disbursement of the scholarships will be conditional on the completion of the approval process by ASI regarding the scholarships under discussion.
Candidates who, at the date of submission of the application, are in possession of the following requirements can participate in the announcement:
• university degree (achieved according to the rules of the old system); three-year degree or master's degree (obtained according to the rules of the new system);
• family income not exceeding € 35.000,00 identified exclusively on the basis of the Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE) 2016, relating to the 2015 tax year;
• state of unemployment/unemployment at the date of this notice. If the previous requirements are equal, candidates who are not residents of Rome and its Province will be given preference.
At the time of completing the application for participation in the assignment of the scholarship, the candidate must present the following documentation:
• degree certificate showing the mark achieved;
• certification of the level of knowledge of the English language or attestation of the university exam taken;
• certificates of any post-graduate qualifications, languages known and other experiences carried out;
• curriculum vitae;
• self-certification of residence;
• self-certification of unemployment/unemployment status;
• mod. ISEE 2016 (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) drawn up on the basis of the Decree of 7 November 2014 "Approval of the standard form of the Single Substitute Declaration for ISEE purposes, of the certification, as well as the related instructions for completing it pursuant to article 10, paragraph 3, of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 5 December 2013, n. 159”.
The application for participation is made by completing a form accessible from the website The scholarship selection procedure will be handled by a joint ASI – SIOI commission which will evaluate qualifications and requirements. Furthermore, the candidate's curriculum vitae and the level of knowledge of the English language and of any other languages will be evaluated.
With the same admission score, the applications will be further graded in increasing order of age of the competitor (from the youngest to the oldest). Following any renunciations, in order to identify the candidates entitled to the assignment of the scholarship, the ranking will be scrolled. It reserves the right to request the original certificates from the scholarship winners. The application complete with the required documentation must be sent by e-mail to SIOI at the following address: by Friday 3 February next at 12:00.