
Whirlpool: sale withdrawn, save the workers (for now).

Minister Stefano Patuanelli's announcement in a video on Facebook – The company: “Tension was counterproductive, we want to find a shared solution” – The unions: “We are not at the solution, but it is good to buy time”.

Whirlpool: sale withdrawn, save the workers (for now).

"I want to address the Whirlpool workers in Naples directly to give them some good news: in these hours, the company has informed me of its intention to withdraw the transfer procedure": these are the words spoken in a video posted on Facebook, through which the Minister of Economic Development Carlo Patuanelli communicated the news of the turning point in the story of the Neapolitan Whirlpool plant, the closure of which seemed imminent and would have put 400 employees at risk. "It was a fundamental first step – explained the minister -, otherwise the transfer procedure would have involved either the transfer to another industrial activity, which was difficult to accept, or a collective redundancy procedure".

The appliance company for its part has issued a note in which confirms that production in Naples will be extended, “to work on a shared solution”. Whirlpool will therefore not start the collective dismissal procedure, with the aim of relaunching a constructive dialogue. "Whirlpool Emea - this is the text of the note - communicates that it is ready to withdraw the procedure for the transfer of the company branch, not to proceed with the collective dismissal of the employees of Naples and to continue the production of washing machines. The decision, shared with the Minister of Economic Development Stefano Patuanelli, was taken with the aim of restoring a constructive atmosphere in the negotiations with the Government and with the trade unions".

Indeed, the company believes that “current tensions are counterproductive in the search for a shared solution, in the face of a market situation that makes the site unsustainable and requires a long-term solution". Whirlpool is convinced that, “with more time available – continues the note – a constructive dialogue can be re-established and a shared solution reached to ensure a long-term sustainable future for the Naples plant and its 400 employees. In the light of this new and important development, the discussion table with all the parties involved will restart in the coming days".

The unions are also rejoicing, albeit with caution. “We have just learned of the company's intention to withdraw the transfer procedure to PRS. There will be a truce until March – commented the Fim-Cisl general secretary Marco Bentivogli -. Whirlpool confirms a progressive market decline and the willingness to sell remains only postponed to the beginning of 2020. We are not at the solution but saving precious time is useful. We must thank the workers of Naples and of the whole group, who never gave up and continued to fight. Demonstration in Naples and general metalworkers' strike confirmed tomorrow".

“Finally Whirlpool has accepted the union request to withdraw the sale procedure – he added Rocco Palombella, Uilm general secretary – and not to open another termination or dismissal procedure. It's just an armistice, but it's a first victory for the workers. Tomorrow's demonstration in Campania - continues Palombella - will have the aim of clearly asking that the time gained with this armistice be used to seek a real and definitive solution, which starts from compliance with the agreements signed in Naples and more generally for all Italian establishments".
