
Corporate welfare: Generali launches new investigation

The fifth edition of the annual "Welfare Index PMI" survey begins - The aim is to spread the culture of corporate welfare also among small and medium-sized companies

Corporate welfare: Generali launches new investigation

Generali Italy kicks off the fifth edition of the Welfare Index PMI, an annual survey involving companies with between six and a thousand employees. The initiative – carried out with the participation of Confindustria, Confagricoltura, Confartigianato, Confprofessioni and Confcommercio – aims to spread the culture of corporate welfare also among small and medium-sized companies.

Starting with this edition, Welfare Index PMI will also offer a number of new services. For example the Welfare Assessment, active all year round: it is a personalized, free and confidential service to assess the level of welfare of your company on, an information portal on corporate welfare news. Inside also the address book Practical guide to corporate welfare, to help companies implement welfare initiatives.

In addition, the Welfare rating, an index that distributes companies into five classes with an increasing value from 1W to 5W. The goal is to allow companies to know their level of welfare and communicate it in an immediately recognizable way.

As for theobservatory on the evolution of welfare in Italian SMEs, foresees a new section in the Report this year and the strengthening of regional and territorial analyzes to provide a detailed vision of welfare divided into geographical areas and types of initiatives. Among the innovations is also a new model for measuring the impact of welfare on corporate business.

As with previous editions, companies with the best welfare practices will be rewarded in the final event of June.

Read the article on the 2019 edition of the Welfare Index PMI.
