
Weekend at the Movies: Beauty and the Beast and John Wick 2

The highly anticipated live action remake of the 1991 Disney classic arrives in Italian cinemas: a sumptuous show, but perhaps more could have been daring – The killer played by Keanu Reeves returns in an adventure that will take him to Rome – Best takings: Kong – Skull Island, Logan and Deadlines on the podium.

Weekend at the Movies: Beauty and the Beast and John Wick 2

Here are the top new releases in theaters, so you know what to see this weekend.

The beauty and the Beastby Bill Condon

The 1991 Disney classic, the first cartoon to ever be nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture, returns to the cinema in a Live Action version. The packaging appears sumptuous and Emma Watson, now grown up, seeks her definitive consecration as a star in the firmament of Hollywood, but, apart from the opening to the first homosexual Disney character (played by Josh Gad), and the relative controversies, the film it looks like a too exact replica of the original from 26 years ago. More could have been dared to update, at least in some of its elements, a well-known story, but it is still a sight to behold.

John Wick 2 by Chad Stahelski

The legendary hitman played by Keanu Reeves is back in a new adventure full of blood and adrenaline, but also of irony, after the success of the public and critics of the first chapter, released in 2014. Among the stages of the journey of the recalcitrant hitman in the midst of most dangerous killers in the world there is also Rome, with the tasty interpretations of Riccardo Scamarcio, in the role of the psychopath Santino, and Claudia Gerini, in the role of her sister Gianni. Furthermore, for Matrix nostalgics, the film is an opportunity to see Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne together again years after they were Neo and Morpheus in the Wachoski sisters saga.

Who will save the roses by Cesare Furesi

A small Italian film, Furesi's first work, animated by the heart of great actors such as Carlo Delle Piane and by the delicacy with which it deals with an unusual theme for our cinema, namely the love between an elderly homosexual couple, Delle Piane (who wears once again in the role of a poker player after Regalo di Natale) and Buzzanca, who after a career as a Homo Eroticus has become the antithesis of himself, at the age of eighty.

An almost perfect snarl by Fred Cavaye

Dany Boon, a very successful comedian especially beyond the Alps, where he was the author and interpreter of Down to the North, remade by us with Welcome to the South, plays the stingy of the title, François Gautier, a man whose life is paralyzed by the phobia of spending money . A phobia that, however, will be forced to face a series of unexpected events, including the birth of a love and the discovery of having a daughter.

Box Office 

At the top of last week's box office rankings we find Kong: Skull Island, with €1.444.118. To complete the podium Logan (€ 1.037.098) e The Right to Count (€688.789). They follow A question of Karma, with €464.765, and , with 463.596.
