
Weather, from Tuesday 8 August temperatures on the rise again but without the peaks of the last few weeks

According to the latest weather updates, a more stable and warm phase should begin from Tuesday 8 August, with a high and leveled pressure field in the Mediterranean area and in particular over Italy. Winds decreasing a bit everywhere and temperatures above the norm, but without excesses

Weather, from Tuesday 8 August temperatures on the rise again but without the peaks of the last few weeks

The turning point will be Tuesday August 8. The rise in pressure will go hand in hand with that in temperatures. In particular, from Thursday the values ​​will tend to exceed the seasonal averages, but without heat records. After the cooling break, which lasted a few days, one should therefore open a new hot phase which should not, however, encroach on extreme levels.

The incoming high pressure zone will cover all of Italy, without exclusions of any kind. The anti-cyclonic phase will be rather long-lasting – say the experts – only between Thursday 10 and Friday 11 August, a small disturbance in transit at high altitude could cause some temporary cloudy passage starting from the North-West with some showers possible on Thursday afternoon close to the Western Alps; for the rest it will be just harmless and passing clouds. In the weekend before August XNUMX, then, the weather instability could increase along the Alps and in the northern Apennines.

Meanwhile the wind, between Sunday and Monday, should exhaust its strength, ending its vent on north-western Sardinia. Mari Consequently very moved or agitated between the Bocche di Bonifacio and along the canals of Sardinia and Sicily.

In the week of Ferragosto the high pressure will tend to move towards more northern latitudes, with the flow of westerly currents on the Alpine border reliefs. This will result in rainfall with quantities below the climatological average, with at least a slight signal on average in the Alps. Temperatures that are slightly higher than in the reference period.

In any case, it should be remembered that the long-term forecasts they are the result of an articulated chain of processes that are made possible thanks to the use of powerful electronic calculators and complex physical-mathematical models. However, these forecasts only provide probabilistic indications of the possible deviation of a meteorological parameter, in a given period, with respect to the climatological average values.
