Watch out for the spread: up over 450 bps on the morning of the Bot-day

Today the European squares will give their vote to the decisions taken in European summit ended last Friday and the auction of Italian one-year Bots will be a first concrete check. Waiting for the results of the Bot-day, on the ten-year Btp market, yields are up to 6,603 euros per bond and the the differential with the corresponding German Bunds is increasing: it stands at 452 basis points, almost 30 points higher than the opening value.

Also the Spread between the Spanish Bono and the Bund is widening to 383 basis points, but the 10-year Bonos yield remains below the 6% threshold.

The differential between French Oats and the corresponding German government bonds is the slight increase to 120 basis points, after opening at 115bp.

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