
Wars and drugs, this is how the arms market proliferates: protagonists, paths and recipients

Falcone and Borsellino had already investigated the close relationship between illicit financing, drug trafficking and the arms market. The results of a Bloomberg investigation

Wars and drugs, this is how the arms market proliferates: protagonists, paths and recipients

"I crimes perpetrated throughout the world are based in 90% of cases on weaponry di USA origin which the federal government has also recently promoted with huge promotions and very expensive financing.”

This declaration, supported by a formidable team evidence testimonials and documents, it is not written on a clandestine blog but on an investigation by Bloomberg News, an international news agency, among the best known in the world, which enjoys an excellent reputation. L'article, by Michael Riley, David Kocieniewski and Eric Fan, is dated July 25, 2023 and can be consulted at this link. To clarify the intricate and little-known world of wars and dirty weapons two premises are fundamental.

Falcone and Borsellino had written it

Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino they had first investigated the very narrow one relationship between illicit financing, drug and weapons trafficking, often in collaboration with investigators and magistrates from the United States and Latin America. Last May 22nd and 23rd, in Palermo, precisely on the occasion of theanniversary of Falcone's killing Very important meetings were held on international drug trafficking with interventions by representatives of Italian, European and Latin American governments, judiciaries, super experts, police forces and intelligence.

The chemical drug disaster

The Palermo conferences constitute the most important event at an international level for these burning issues precisely at the moment in which the traffic of new chemical drugs – based on the infamous fentanyl - is shaking up North America, with a frightening and very rapid massacre of millions of people, with gigantic profits far more lucrative than those coming from traditional drugs. And with continuous supplies coming from Chinese laboratories often illegal immigrants with enormous supply capacities that the narco armies compete for and distribute even in Europe.

The second premise concerns the current blood trail that leads us into Palestine why the arms market, as the authors of the investigation had underlined Bloomberg, it is more and more globalized. And a confidential report by American and European experts reveals what, due to the uncontrolled trafficking of illegal and prohibited weapons, is happening in Palestine.

The special bombs that kill children

Le bombs who carried out massacres in Gaza and then recently in the tents of refugees - children, women, sick people - of Gaza they are American. But some are special, terrible bombs. Promoted and financed by government bodies, they arrive in Israel from the United States special bombs who are massacring defenseless civilians, women, sick people. Several American, English and French newspapers write this. The blog thehe had recently revealed. The bombs Dime (Dense Inert Metal Explosive) are designed to knock out the greatest number of people, hitting at medium height. This is why so many are crippled in Gaza and so many children are killed, when the DIMEs reach their height.

“The damage is enormous – he had declared to FIRSTonline last November the surgeon Paul Ley from the hell of the European Hospital of Khan Yunis in Gaza – These very poor people will have an entire generation of disabled people”. Invalids who join the millions and millions of victims of drugs e of daily firefights between the narcos of Latin American countries, armed by US producers, and the police.

What are the economic dimensions, the protagonists, the paths, the recipients of the armaments in circulation?Here is the whole scenario in points.


Le information on warlords they come from American and Mexican institutional and governmental sources, from the military intelligence of various countries, from sentences and from numerous journalistic investigations. The institutional sources are the courts, the Federal Bureau Investigation, FBI, the Homeland Security Investigations Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the US Census Bureau, Statistics Canada and the US Department of Commerce United (the main promoter of sales of weapons made in the USA). Journalistic sources: Bloomberg, AP, BBC, The Guardian, Newsweek, CBS, New York Times, CNN, Reuters and numerous regional North American newspapers.

American weapons that is drugs

The two markets, wars and drugs, feed each other. The Mexican government, also based on reports provided by American intelligence, has repeatedly denounced that 70% of the military supplies of heavy weapons of the narco armies throughout Latin America are sold by American companies and distributors. “The financial, economic and military power of the Mexican cartels comes from the United States,” he said Alfredo Femat, head of the foreign relations commission of the lower house of the Mexican Congress.

Who they are and how they promote wars

Le top five global companies which largely dominate the war markets they are American: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and General Dynamics. They were already favored by the most permissive legislation in the world, but Trump, as Latin American governments accuse, has eliminated each export control. They have become more powerful than governments so much so that, in the last two years, as has been documented by Reuters e BBC, have ousted their rivals, the Chinese and the Russians, who were heavily engaged in various conflicts. Also because one must be added to the death squad of the top five producers myriad of medium-sized companies USA and quite a few European companies.

How much they earn

"The US industries – writes the Chicago Policy Review – promote wars by taking advantage of the conflict. The United States accounts for more than 40% of arms exports offensive, lethal and often prohibited, of the planet and the profits are very high. In five years the group of companies has multiplied sales, market shares and profits. And dead. Every year they are pocketed by 100 to 200 billion dollars in salesa of weapons, and this figure gradually increases from year to year. A large part of the transactions operate on cryptocurrency channels.

What weapons

These are rockets, machine guns, rocket launchers and grenades that are not sold for civil use in the United States. Others, like i Barrett 50 calibers they can be purchased in the United States through authorized dealers and are used by armies around the world for their ability to tear through armored vehicles from over a mile away. They are among the most powerful weapons that can be easily exported thanks to the enormous American government export funding which poses no controls and no ethical conditions.

Who are the sellers

Il Mexico, a country of 127 million people, has strict gun laws and has only one gun shop, located on a military base. On the contrary, the United States they almost have 78.000 gun dealers — more than the combined number of McDonald's, Burger King, Subway and Wendy's, as gun control advocates Everytown for GunSafety calculated. The Free University of Mexico City revealed that firearms were responsible for nearly three-quarters of homicides last year.

They know everything long before

The masters of the sector they prepare for wars long before they explode; and moreover, the production of often very complex and sophisticated armaments takes a long time. They can do this because much earlier they have direct information, official and unofficial. And in some areas (Africa, Latin America, Ukraine, Poland, the Middle East) they also "work" in support for special forces to prepare the market, i.e. conflicts, in time. They operate with significant funding: Over the last two decades, 2,5 billion dollars have been officially disbursed for "communication". The amount of illegal ones is enormously higher. The Republican congressmen who vote against (not all) Biden's attempts to place some limits on funding are on the payroll of the country's arms multinationals, openly, without any hesitation.

Iran and Afghanistan, weapons for Hamas

The same officials of the Tehran regime have repeatedly confirmed that they provide economic and logistical support to various Palestinian fundamentalist groups, such as the Al Qassam brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, and the Al Quds brigades. Most of the weaponry heavy workers employed in the Middle East and Africa by Islamic terror extremists is however Iranian origin. Some also come from fundamentalist family members of the ruling families of the Emirates. But due to a deplorable and mocking side effect of US trade, many armaments in the hands of the terrorist groups heirs to ISIS come from the gigantic arsenal that the American army, its allies and the infamous US and English private militias have left in the aftermath of the crash abandonment of Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban. Who resold them to Muslim terrorist gangs of all stripes.

Also from Ukraine

According to Israeli sources, others US-made weapons and European would have reached Hamas directly or through Iranian mediators, of Ukrainian origin. The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky he has in fact repeatedly removed soldiers and officials from his government for corruption and trafficking. Part of these weapons would have been sold directly by corrupt Ukrainian soldiers, another part even by the Russian army which had captured them from the Ukrainians and then passed them on to Iran. Because, as some sources cited have written, the numerous conflicts in which Russia is involved now make it difficult to guarantee its allies in the Middle East and Africa the large supplies they used to have.
