
Rc Auto Voucher, Cattolica's proposal

The Venetian company's initiative entitles you to a discount equal to one month's installment of the current Motor TPL premium, to be used to renew the policy or purchase a new product.

Rc Auto Voucher, Cattolica's proposal

An Rc Auto voucher to help customers who have not been able to use their car for several weeks and above all to "do our part to restart the engine of the economy and support the return to normalcy". This is the proposal of the Veronese insurance company Cattolica Assicurazioni, summarized by the slogan "With us, a month has 30 days more". Cattolica has therefore reserved a formula for Rc Auto customers that will allow them to benefit from a discount equal to one month of their policy in progress.

Through your reference agency or by connecting to the Cattolica website, starting May 25th in fact, it will be possible to request the issue of a voucher thanks to which it will be possible to renew the expiring policy (from April 2020 to May 2021) or subscribe to a new product for the person, home or business, increasing one's level of protection . “The entry into phase 2 – he commented Charles Ferrara, General Manager of the Cattolica Assicurazioni group – marks the beginning of the restart for Italy and we at Cattolica also want to do our part to rekindle the engine of the economy and support the return to normalcy.

“During these weeks – added the manager – technology has helped us to stay close to our customers effectively and in total safety, and this initiative also demonstrates that it is a tool that strengthens the link between customer, company and agency network".
