
VOTE AND INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY - Napolitano from Merkel on Tuesday: he will reassure her about Italy

After the sickly controversies on Merkel's guidelines and non-existent interference in the Italian elections, it will be up to the Head of State, starting on Tuesday in Germany, to reassure international public opinion and the chancelleries on the stability of the Italian system and on our country's willingness to respect the European and international commitments

VOTE AND INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY - Napolitano from Merkel on Tuesday: he will reassure her about Italy

What will be Italy's image and role after the vote? Reassuring the international community and above all Germany of Italy's willingness to respect the commitments undertaken at international and European level, beyond the color of the majority that will emerge from the polls, will be the Head of State himself: Tuesday Giorgio Napolitano will meet the chancellor Angela Merkel starting a long visit to Germany made up of official meetings and conferences.

Naturally, a strengthening of the Italian image and of Rome's European fidelity can only be given by the vote, but the message of the President of the Republic, on his last visit to Germany, will also be important for reinforcing the friendship and relations between the two States after Silvio Berlusconi's instrumental anti-Merkel polemics but also after the absurd misunderstandings between Monti and Bersani that followed yesterday's premier's words.

If Monti says what everyone knows and that is that Merkel, while avoiding improper interventions in the affairs of another country, does not share the line of the Democratic Party because she feels it is more tepid than Monti's on the reforms and on the austerity line where would the interference? Or do we want to believe that during the electoral campaign all international opinions disappear to zero? Of course the essential thing is that the opinions of others remain so and do not give rise to interference but this time they are not really seen. however, the German visit of Napolitano is welcome to dispel any misunderstanding
