
Vodafone launches the "Marketing Academy" with SDA Bocconi

Aldo Bisio, CEO of Vodafone Italia: “With this initiative we are involving more than 300 people. The ambition is to become a marketing school for everyone”

Vodafone launches the "Marketing Academy" with SDA Bocconi

"Recovery is an extraordinary opportunity also in terms of skills: an evolution of the training offer is necessary so that investments have an impact on the country's competitiveness". She said it Aldo Bisio, CEO Vodafone Italy, interviewed by the deputy director of the Corriere della Sera, Daniele Manca, together with the rector of the Bocconi University, Gianmario Verona, on the occasion of the launch of the Vodafone Marketing Academy with SDA Bocconi.

"Vodafone had already launched a major upskilling and reskilling plan a couple of years ago, which involves about 3.500 people of Vodafone Italia's 6 - added Bisio - There is a need to interpret the world in a much more dynamic key, much more digital, much more liquid than it was previously. With this initiative we involve più di 300 persone who work in marketing and branding to try to tackle a major phase of modernization of professional skills. The ambition is to become a marketing school for everyone, and hence also the name of the Academy”.

“We are a service company – Bisio underlined – The customer experience, what is called the customer journey, becomes the product. Hence the need to understand and deepen the experiential knowledge of our customers, to understand more deeply what moves people. We want to build a new textbook which, however, must evolve year by year. We are inundated with data, but above all we generate data every day, we as citizens. On our network we log over a billion transactions every day, we have about 20 million customers who generate a billion state changes on the network every single day”.

According to Bisio, “on the one hand, you need solid data management skills. On the other hand, a key is needed to interpret the experiences and needs of customers. Combining these two knowledge, these two sciences, that of marketing and that of data science, is absolutely fundamental for us. They are the two pillars of our challenge in terms of competition but above all in terms of knowledge".
