Vodafone brings fiber up to 1 Gbps to 8 highly competitive Italian industrial areas. From today, the companies present in the industrial districts of Moncalieri (TO), Cologno Monzese (MI), Carpi (MO), Modena, Forlì Ospedaletto (FC), Modugno (BA), Surbo (LE) and Arzano (NA) will be able to request a dedicated offer for surfing at up to 1 Gbps thanks to Vodafone's Fiber to the Home (FttH) network infrastructure.
Thanks to the connection up to 1 Gbps, Vodafone's business customers will be able to take advantage of differentiating technological services, accelerate the download and upload of files and multimedia content, significantly reducing latency and waiting times. With 1 Gbps fiber you can get the best performance even if you have several devices connected to your fixed network at the same time and you can, for example: download 1 GB of company mail in 8 seconds, or, in half the time, download a project in 3D of an entire house, equivalent to a 500MB file.
Furthermore, all SMEs will be able to take advantage of the Fiber to the Enterprise offer, i.e. the possibility of bringing very high-speed connections directly to company offices by exploiting all the access points and the capillarity of the Vodafone network, both mobile and fixed, up to a speed guaranteed connection, even in uploads, at 10 Gbps.
Vodafone Italia's fiber optic services are now available in 360 cities and reach 9.4 million households and businesses, of which 4 million on its own network. In particular, in Milan, Bologna and Turin, Vodafone is present with fiber up to 500 Mbps with Fiber to the Home (FttH) technology. Vodafone has a commercial agreement with Enel to bring fiber to homes in 10 cities by 2019 (Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Florence, Genoa, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Perugia and Venice). The first 1 Gbps customers have already been activated in the city of Perugia.
The other news today concerns the contract signed by Vodafone and the Ministry of Labor for the supply of data connectivity services for the central public administration. The agreement is part of the broader framework of the Consip tender for the Public Connectivity System, which allows both central and local PAs, in line with the recent regulations on procurement and public spending containment, to have Vodafone as their own partner.
"Thanks to the connectivity offered by Vodafone, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies will be able to guarantee citizens faster and more effective services" - declared Grazia Strano, Director General of information systems, technological innovation and communication of the Ministry of Labour.
"With this first contract with the Ministry of Labour, Vodafone confirms itself as an innovation partner to accompany companies and public administrations in their digitization process" - said Manlio Costantini, Enterprise Director of Vodafone Italy.
The public bodies to which Vodafone has been assigned include the Council of State, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Guardia di Finanza, the State Printing Office and Mint, the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID), the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of the Agricultural Economy (CREA), the National Institute for Insurance against accidents at work (INAIL), the Automobile Club of Italy (ACI), the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) and the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA).
Thanks to the 3,6 billion euro Spring Plan which has led Vodafone to double its investments in mobile and fixed ultra-broadband networks in the last two years, Vodafone is the reality with the largest 4G network in Italy and fiber services available for over 9,4 million citizens, businesses and administrations. Furthermore, today it is able to put a convergent offer at the service of the realities closest to citizens which includes the best 4G connectivity in Italy, high-speed fiber services, cloud and IoT solutions, ensuring high levels of performance and security which affect on operational efficiency, the relationship with customers and citizens and process innovation.
Vodafone's 4G network has exceeded 96% of the population (6700 municipalities) and has been recognized as the best 4G mobile network in Italy by the German Institute of Quality and Finance. Fiber services are available in 360 cities. In particular, in Milan, Turin and Bologna, Vodafone launched the 500 Mbps fiber optic service. Following the commercial agreement with Enel, Vodafone activated the first customers with 1Gbps fiber to the home (FttH) in the city of Perugia.