
Vivendi, assault on Mediaset: rises to 12,3% and aims for 20%

The battle between the Bolloré group and the Biscione continues with no holds barred: the French have communicated that they have risen to 12,3% of Mediaset but aim to become the second shareholder with an unagreed operation that Berlusconi's group considers hostile .

Vivendi's attack on Mediaset, announced yesterday, is already taking shape. In fact, the French group announced that it has already reached 12,32% of the capital of the Cologno Monzese broadcaster. The objective, already officially declared, is to reach the 20% threshold (share that will probably be communicated shortly) e thus becoming the second shareholder of the Biscione behind the Berlusconi family's Fininvest (34,7%).

"It is clear that this is a hostile operation", Mediaset sources commented during the day. And today the holding chaired by Marina Berlusconi has gone on the counterattack by communicating that it has filed a complaint for market manipulation to the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office and also, for information, to Consob. The deed was penned by the trusted lawyer of Silvio Berlusconi and of the finance company presided over by his eldest daughter Marina, Niccolò Ghedini.

On the other hand, the reaction of the financial markets was enthusiastic: today in Piazza Affari Mediaset gained almost 32% at 3,584 euros per share. Obviously Cologno Monzese's title was the best of the entire Ftse Mib, which has experienced a day of glory thanks also to Unicredit gaining 2,5%.
