
Life annuities: between accusations and tussle, the Chamber votes yes

After a high-voltage morning, between exchanges of accusations between Pd and M5s, and flurry of interventions in the courtroom, the Richetti proposal which abolishes the old annuities for MPs who have already retired and revises the checks in the light of the contribution system, was approved in Montecitorio. Age rises and adapts to the Fornero law. Now the unknown factor of the Senate and the Constitutional Court

Life annuities: between accusations and tussle, the Chamber votes yes

The Chamber approved with 348 votes in favour, 17 against (Ap and Forza Italia) and 28 abstentions the Richetti (Pd) proposal which will decree the end of the old annuities, those concerning 2600 former parliamentarians who have already retired for a total figure that in 2016 it reached 193 million. After a morning full of tension, with a deluge of speeches and the usual rebound between Pd and M5s on the authorship of the law, we arrived at the suspension and convening of the conference of group leaders who tried to restore order to the works. The debate thus resumed in the afternoon and the final vote on the text was reached in the evening.

Among the innovations, the rule that prevents the extension of the recalculation of pensions on a contributory basis to existing pensions for other categories of pensioners other than deputies and senators. "The recalculation entirely on the basis of contributions of the annuities of parliamentarians - provides for an amendment presented - can in no case be applied to existing and future pensions of employees and self-employed workers". 

Approved the extension of the retirement age from 65 initially envisaged in the Richetti text to the more stringent criteria established by the Fornero Law with effect from the next legislature. This will entail, even for parliamentarians, an increase in the age requirements for retiring.

Another amendment provides for the suspension of the annuity benefit for the parliamentarian who is called to fill an "institutional" position for which the Constitution or other constitutional law provides for incompatibility.

After weeks of tussle, about-face and clash between Pd and M5S, the bill is therefore close to the finish line in the Chamber, being able to count on the OK of Pd, M5S, Lega and Fdi but also of the Italian Left and Mdp. However, the problems and divisions, with the opposition of Forza Italia and the PA, will resurface in the Senate where the government majority is less solid. The uncertainties regarding the final approval of the law therefore remain. But above all the shadow of the risk of unconstitutionality remains above all for the part in which it lightens the social security check (which will arrive later) also for the regional councilors. The rules, according to the bill, fall within the "coordination of public finance" which is the responsibility of the state. Yet, according to the group leader FI Brunetta, the point "is deliberately unconstitutional" to ensure that, in the end, the Consulta rejects the law.
