
Visco: "Qe will work, now we have to implement the reforms"

For the number one of Bank of Italy, the ECB's plan "shows determination" and "will work in practice".

"We have to share the risks." He said it today from the World Economic Forum in Davos Ignazio Visco, governor of Bank of Italy, regarding the quantitative easing launched yesterday by the European Central Bank. A plan that according to Visco "shows determination" and that "will work in practice". However, for the governor, the lack of full sharing of risks "is a secondary issue with respect to more relevant aspects, such as the scope of the maneuver and the decision to start it immediately".

In the euro area “in the end we will have to share the risks because we are a union, but not yet from the point of view of the budget – specified the number one of Palazzo Koch -. In any case, I am not worried about the risk that will be taken by the national central banks: we will cover it, but I think we need to make progress towards a fiscal union”.

On the internal front, however, for Visco le reforms started by Renzi government they are positive, but now “the big problem is implementation: it is on this that the government will be judged. It must be effective and if it is, there will be many opportunities for the country, which has gaps to fill in various areas. This is the real challenge."
