
Economic violence against women: here's how to recognize it

It is an expression of male violence against women that is still very widespread today but underestimated - The Casa di Accoglienza delle Donne Maltrattate of Milan, together with the Global Thinking Foundation, presents the second edition of the guide on economic violence.

Economic violence against women: here's how to recognize it

The Shelter for Abused Women, together with the Global Thinking Foundation, presented the second edition of the guide on economic violence, one of the expressions of male violence against women still widespread but underestimated.

In collaboration with the Global Thinking Foundation, a non-profit foundation that deals with financial education with particular attention to women, CADMI has updated the format and content of a guide that aims to inform women both about their rights in the economic sphere , which on the points of attention to recognize economic violence and eliminate it from one's life, revealing those behaviors, sometimes socially accepted, harmful to women's dignity and autonomy.

“CADMI's thirty years of activity confirms that the overcoming economic violence, through achievement of his own economic and financial autonomy it helps women identify their own independent living solutions and allows them to take new paths and achieve the desired goals” says the lawyer Manuela Ulivi, President of the Home for Abused Women.

"Our commitment to updating the guide is in line with the D2-Donne al Quadrato initiative, a free training course on family, financial and entrepreneurial planning active in numerous Italian cities from North to South: in fact, we believe that education is the best tool to counter and prevent economic violence", declares Claudia Segre, President of the Global Thinking Foundation.

La economic violence that this guide addresses is one of the more devious and hateful forms of violence against women which the Istanbul Convention defines as: “violation of human rights and form of discrimination against women including all acts of gender-based violence which result in or are likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering, including threats to carry out such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether in public or private life".

A further step in the daily path of support for women for their freedom, which CADMI has been putting into practice since 1986.
