
Wine: FVG will place a collar on its bottles to commemorate the war of 15/18

The FVG DOC Consortium remembers the victims of the Great War with a message of peace. The letters from farmers at the front who instructed their wives on how to carry on the cultivation of vines

Wine: FVG will place a collar on its bottles to commemorate the war of 15/18

Remember the value of wine as an element of peace and socialization in the area. This is the meaning of the '1918/2018' initiative Harvest of peace' conceived by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Doc Consortium on the occasion of the centenary of the end of the First World War which had the Friuli mountains as its dramatic backdrop. To celebrate it, the wines made from the grapes harvested this year will be the protagonists of a special capsule collection and 'they will wear' a symbolic collar to say, in different languages, 'Never again' to war'.

Among the various initiatives put in place to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the end of the conflict, a suggestive photographic exhibition of historical images dedicated to the wine world of the time and testimonies from the war diaries of the soldiers at the front - mostly farmers who advised and instructed the wives on agricultural practices to be carried out in their absence – which enhance the role of wine as a socializing factor, of 'legressa' (joy) and momentary return to normality.

''With this initiative – explained the president of the Doc-FVG Consortium Adriano Gigante as he presented the project – we aim to enhance our denominations and, in this case, also their symbolic value. Our production area, a painful war scene a century ago, in fact preserves the memory of a difficult past but also the memory of an important rural life, which today is able to express itself through great enological excellence, which we will continue to promote both in Italy and abroad with various initiatives this year linked to the centenary of the end of the First World War. If we had to think in particular of a wine that best represents our region as a whole, it could certainly be Ribolla Gialla, in the sparkling version on one side and still on the other. Alongside this, there will be a strong commitment to enhance the region's many tourist resources and artistic and cultural heritage, which together with food and wine make the Friuli Venezia Giulia brand strong and unique''.

The project was presented in Rome during a special tasting paired with typical products, such as the DOP Prosciutto di San Daniele and Montasio, two 'jewels' of the regional food basket.

From the Friuli Doc to the Friuli Aquileia Doc, from the Friuli Colli Orientali Doc to the Ramandolo Docg, there are a total of seven denominations managed by the maxi Consortium of DOC-FVG, which brings together the Friuli Annia, Friuli Aquileia, Friuli Colli Orientali and Ramandolo Consortia , Friuli Grave, Friuli Isonzo and Friuli Latisana. A set of territories, each with its own peculiarities, which expresses a total of about 26 thousand hectares of vineyards and a production of over 1,6 million hectoliters.
