
Venture Capital: Strategic partnership between Ferrovie dello Stato and CDP

FS has subscribed 10 million euros in the InfraTech sector. The umbrella fund supports startups and innovation in strategic sectors for corporates

Venture Capital: Strategic partnership between Ferrovie dello Stato and CDP

CDP Venture Capital SGR and FS Group they signed one strategic partnership for the development of innovation through investments in startups and innovative SMEs. Thus, the holding company of the FS Group enters the fund Corporate Partners subscribing rate for a total value of 10 million euro.

FS investment in the InfraTech sector

FS has subscribed 10 million euros in the InfraTech sector which focuses on investments in innovative realities engaged in the development of solutions related to new technologies in the design, planning, monitoring and management processes of large construction sites and infrastructures. With this operation, FS will be able to make its infrastructures increasingly connected, promoting predictive maintenance and service efficiency, in line with its Ten-year Industrial Plan which sees innovation among its enabling factors.

The operation confirms theFS commitment in the development of Open Innovation activities, in support of the startup world.

The main industrial and financial players are present in the fund

The umbrella fund of Corporate Venture Capital of CDP Venture Capital it involves the main industrial and financial players. Thanks to the collaboration and investment in startups engaged in the energy, services, manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, the fund aims to stimulate the growth of the Italian venture ecosystem favoring the entry of corporates within the same.

Thanks to this new strategic partnership, the fund has achieved 295 million subscriptions approaching the goal of 400 million. I am four compartments of the fund: InfraTech, IndustryTech, EnergyTech and ServiceTech.
