
Venezuela, first defections between the military and Salvini are pressing M5S

Venezuela's military attaché in Washington distances himself from Maduro and swears allegiance to Guaidò who renews his appeal to the army to side with the Constitution – Meanwhile Salvini is pressing Di Maio: "Luigi, you can't continue to cover Maduro ”

Venezuela, first defections between the military and Salvini are pressing M5S

A new appeal by the Venezuelan opposition leader, Juan Guaidò, to the military not to shoot at the population who take to the streets to protest against the Nicolas Maduro regime and to have the courage to take the side of democracy and the Constitution repeatedly violated by the dictator.

Guaidò's renewed intervention makes it clear how important the position of the military is in the confrontation that has begun in Caracas. They are the tip of the balance and Guaidò seems to be reaping the first fruits. He caused a stir by the pro-rebel oath of Venezuela's military attaché in Washington. In a video, Colonel Josè Luis Silva yesterday recognized Guaidò as the "only legitimate president" and launched an appeal to the Venezuelan military to "swear allegiance to the new leader".

Guaidò, in addition to appealing to the military to take the field against Maduro, does not fail to publicize his bill for a general amnesty in favor of Chavistas, including Maduro, if they decide to surrender and call new elections.

Meanwhile, the Venezuela case continues to stir the waters in Italian politics as well. The Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, who has openly sided with the Venezuelan people and Guaidò, yesterday pressed the pentastellato leader Luigi Di Maio: “Luigi, which side are you on? You can't keep covering Maduro." But for now Di Maio, in turn pressed by Alessandro Di Battista who is an open supporter of Maduro, is silent and does not know which way to turn in order not to split the Five Stars. But Salvini does not give up and yesterday he also defined the wait-and-see position taken by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte as "not very courageous".

Salvini will soon meet the American President Donald Trump and to make a good impression with the White House he is ready, for once, to give some displeasure to the Russian leader Putin, who has always been at the side of Maduro and his oil.
