
Venezuela, more violence: 26 victims

The government continues to refuse to call early elections - Inflation has reached over 500 percent - New opposition march in Caracas today

Venezuela, more violence: 26 victims

There is no sign of easing tension in Venezuela. After three weeks of protests against the government of Nicolás Maduro, the death toll has risen to 26. The latest to be killed was a 23-year-old boy, shot in the face while participating in a demonstration in the north west of the country.

In the meantime, from an economic point of view, the crisis is becoming increasingly serious, with inflation exceeding 500 per cent.

At this point, both the government and the opposition fear that the situation will turn into a generalized anarchy in which it will be increasingly difficult to stop the violence.

The government continues to refuse to call early elections, as the opposition is asking to get out of the crisis.

In theory, Maduro's presidential term expires at the end of 2018, but no one believes that in due course there will be new elections, after those for regional governors have been canceled and, above all, after the referendum that could have been banned has been banned. legally dismiss Maduro.

Between 1998 and 2013, the year of his death, Chávez won all the elections he called, but today his heirs are so unpopular that they seem to no longer want to allow the people to return to the polls.

A new opposition march is scheduled for today in Caracas, the eleventh since the protests began. Probable new clashes with the National Guard.
