
Veneto Banca: flop increase, Atlante arrives

On the eve of the end of the offer period under option and pre-emption to current shareholders, the amount covered would be "around 1%" of the total - The situation for the Banco Popolare increase is very different.

Veneto Banca: flop increase, Atlante arrives

After the Banca Popolare di Vicenza, the fund Atlas will almost certainly have to detect as well Veneto Bank, whose capital increase is proving to be a total failure.

On the eve of the end of the offer period under option and preemption to current shareholders, financial sources indicate that the amount covered would be "around 1%" of the total, therefore around 10 million.

Veneto Banca will communicate the official data on Thursday and institutional investors will then have until Friday to intervene if necessary. Hypothesis that, however, barring surprises, appears decidedly unlikely.

On the other hand, the situation is different for the Banco Popolare increase, which concludes today. According to sources from Mediobanca and Merrill Lynch, the banks in the consortium, today institutional investors could cover the entire book of the increase (one billion). Up to now, 400 million euros have been raised. The new shares of the capital increase are issued at 2,14 euros.
