
Black Friday on the Stock Exchange: the banks sink Piazza Affari

Milan is the worst stock market in Europe: one hour after the end of the session it loses 3,5% due to the profound collapse of bank stocks - Unipol, Bper, Bpm and Ubi lose more than 6% - Exor is also bad - From Wall Street to Europe all the Stock Exchanges in red – Gold Rush.

Nightmare day on the stock market in the wake of the fear of Brexit and the torments of the banks. One hour from the end of the session, Piazza Affari is the worst stock market in Europe and loses 3,5% due to the heavy losses of bank stocks. Unipol, Bper, Bpm and Ubi are the worst and suffer losses of the order of 6%. Exor is also bad, leaving more than 4% in the field.

If Milan cries, even Europe and America don't laugh, on the contrary. The lists are all in the red and the fall of the stock exchanges accentuates the price of gold and commodities, even if oil loses momentum compared to recent days and returns below 50 dollars an ounce.

In the FtseMib, which is falling fearfully towards 17 basis points, no security is currently in positive territory.
