
Varoufakis, 1.000 euros per minute for hosted by Fazio

This was revealed by the former Greek minister himself in a long list published on his blog with interventions made abroad, travel and related expenses – Varoufakis instead participated in a political debate on the BBC, the British public TV, without being paid and traveling Economy Class to Cambridge.

Varoufakis, 1.000 euros per minute for hosted by Fazio

More than 1000 euros per minute. For a total of 24 thousand euros. The appearance on «Che Tempo che fa» on 27 September last would have cost so much Yanis Varoufakis. He reveals it himself in a long list published on his blog with interventions made abroad, travel and related expenses. Varoufakis himself participated in a political debate on the BBC, British public television, without being paid and traveling in "Economy" class to Cambridge. While, as stated in the blog, he flew first class to get to Rai's Italian studios. 

Everything comes from complaint made a Varoufakis from the British conservative Daily Telegraph newspaper than yesterday, quoting the Greek weeklyProto Theme, claimed that the former minister charges 55.000 euros for a speech "outside Europe" while the rates are more modest, 4.000 euros, for the same "speech" in the Old Continent, up to a minimum of 1.300 euros for a lecture at a university. All false, according to the person concerned who today launched the "Transparency Everywhere" operation to shed light on his income and invite the European institutions to do the same. The case seems far from closed and comes to touch Rai, the Italian public service. Political reactions have already been unleashed, with members of the opposition asking for a clarification from the Rai Supervisory Commission, expected by today.
