
Valditara, unseemly reversal on the Tanning Commission for relationship education in schools

The right-wing controversies against the appointment of Paola Concia as President of the Commission for school relations after the horrible femicide of poor Giulia Cecchettin scare the Minister of Education Valditara who backtracks and cancels the appointments

Valditara, unseemly reversal on the Tanning Commission for relationship education in schools

As he wrote Alessandro Manzoni in Betrothed regarding the pusillanimous Don Abbondio, "if one doesn't have the courage, one cannot give it". Quote that fits perfectly with the Northern League Education Minister Joseph Vallettara that, faced with the uprising of the right-wing parties FdI e Alloy and of the Pro Vita association, sensationally and indecently backtracked by canceling the Relationship Education Commission in the school he was supposed to have as president Paola Concia, former Renzian-leaning PD parliamentarian and activist Lgbt unanimously esteemed. “Too much controversy” Valditara tried in vain to justify himself. With the appointment of Concia, those of the other personalities, all women, initially called to be part of the Commission, namely those of Sister Monia Alfieri and Paola Zerman, exponent of the family's People, also disappear. Even the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, felt the duty to show solidarity with Paola Concia, according to whom the "maximalism of the right and left" contributed to the Commission's default: after those of FdI and Lega, criticisms came from Italian left, aimed not at Concia, but at the presence of a nun on the Commission.. “I really believed – commented Concia – that the horrible feminicide of Giulia Cecchettin marked a watershed" in Italian politics, but evidently this is not the case. Pro Vita and Fratelli d'Italia rejoice instead. Although Concia tried to tone down the controversy by saying he understood Valditara's step backwards, the fool - not the first - lies entirely with the Minister of Education. Down the tower.
