
Flu vaccine, an anti-Covid ally. Here because

The flu vaccine cannot replace the one against Covid, which is not yet there. But it is still an important aid to prevention.

Flu vaccine, an anti-Covid ally. Here because

Fever, cough and cold are the traditional symptoms of seasonal flu that arrive with the onset of autumn. But they can also manifest themselves if the most feared Covid 19 virus hits us. There is a seasonal flu vaccine, albeit with many waiting lists. The anti-Covid one still not. Can the first take the place of the second at least in part? From a medical-scientific point of view, no. But in practice, a good "alliance" between the two vaccines, the flu vaccine that exists and the anti-Covid vaccine that does not yet exist, is still evident. We explain why, and what to do, with the help of two experts: the well-known virologist Robert Burioni and Giulio Nati, a general practitioner who practices in the capital.

Can the flu vaccine help in the fight against the Coronavirus?

The virologist Burioni explains: “Getting the flu vaccine this year is much more important for two reasons. The first is that the flu has symptoms comparable to COVID-19, therefore a widespread epidemic could lead to an overload of diagnostic structures; the second lies in the possibility of a co-infection by the two viruses which could cause a much more serious syndrome”.

Who is the flu vaccine for? Who should do it anyway?

As Dr. Nati states "the vaccine is recommended for everyone", but the Ministry of Health recommends it especially to those who:

  • they are over 60 years old;
  • have a certain job activity such as law enforcement, teachers, health care workers and volunteers;
  • have serious problems such as diabetes or cardio-vascular diseases;
  • children aged 6 months to 6 years;
  • pregnant women.

Is the flu vaccine mandatory?

No. The Tar of Lazio, among other things, rejected an ordinance with which the Region provided for the obligation for those over 65 and for health workers.

Is the vaccine free or paid?

The vaccine for the categories provided for by the directives of the Ministry of Health is free. It is however free for those over 65 and this year (for the next few years it will be decided) also for those over 60. Some regions, autonomously, differentiated the other age groups of subjects to whom the vaccine should be administered free of charge. For example, the Umbria region has decided to vaccinate all children aged between 6 months and 3 years. Instead, the Lombardy region will administer, at no cost to families, to children up to 6 years of age. Those who do not fall into the categories provided for by law can buy the vaccine at the pharmacy to have it administered with the prescribed procedures.

Is it true that the flu vaccine protects less than the measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox, hepatitis B and pneumococcus vaccine?

Yes, it is. The flu virus mutates continuously and therefore involves the absolute need to study it to get to know it and then fight it, so the vaccine is not always fully effective. So every year you have to test it again, with care, to verify its effectiveness and any side effects. It must be said that this year the data is very encouraging. Summing up: in the emergency situation in which we find ourselves, in order to have as complete a protection as possible, it would be advisable for each subject to have all the mandatory vaccination coverage such as those for measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox, hepatitis B, pneumococcus and also the vaccine flu shot.

Who can give the flu vaccine?

It is only administered by doctors.


In the vaccination centers of the ASL, in all general practitioners' offices and it can be purchased at all pharmacies but it cannot be administered by the pharmacist, even if procedures are being developed these days that could allow new administration possibilities , even in the pharmacy with methods and conditions that are being developed. In all probability, however, a doctor will have to carry out the vaccine since the vaccination history is a medical act. Therefore, before administering the dose, the doctor must in any case carry out a screening to find out the subject's state of health and any pathologies in order to prevent dangerous collateral events related to vaccination. Ultimately, the optimal solution to expose the subject to less risk is to contact your family doctor.

Is the flu vaccine for everyone?

Like every year, there is a real race by the different regions to obtain a sufficient quantity of vaccines for their needs. This year, 17 million doses were purchased to be distributed to local health authorities, doctors and pharmacies to kick off the seasonal vaccination campaign, which will last until the end of the year.  
