
Vaccines, Burioni speaks: here is the anti-hoax tutorial

Professor Burioni's scientific answers to the many doubts about vaccines, refuting ignorance and rumors

Vaccines, Burioni speaks: here is the anti-hoax tutorial

Watch out for no-vax deceptions. Getting vaccinated is always better. Otherwise we risk big, even a new calamity. Robert Burioni he is a luminary among immunologists. He helped us fine-tune the “definitive” tutorial where he explains point by point what is really dangerous, what to fear, what to do, how to overcome deceptions and fears. Those that risk bringing even the most advanced country, America, to its knees.

The Measles Rescue

In the United States in 2000 the measles virus was made to disappear, in the sense - Burioni points out - that the US had achieved what is called "herd immunity" for this disease. But since then people have stopped getting vaccinated or have done it much less. This has led to the loss of herd immunity. Even in 2015 the richest counties in California had the same vaccination coverage as the poorest areas of the world such as South Sudan. As defined by the Los Angeles Times “they are rich, educated and stupid”. These people endanger their children and all of society.

Why vaccines

Vaccines made smallpox disappear, a terrible disease with a 30% mortality that caused millions and millions of deaths every year. Today the disease has disappeared from the face of the earth. Poliomyelitis in Italy alone caused many thousands of dead or paralyzed children in the iron lung every year. Today, thanks to vaccination, it is a disease that no longer exists in Italy and we could also make it disappear in the rest of the world.

The merits of the Lorenzin law on compulsory preschools

Even in Italy there has been a continuous decline in vaccination coverage, so much so that in 2015 the coverage of the first dose of measles was equal to that of Namibia and lower than that of Ghana, totally far from any figure for an advanced country. From 2016 onwards, coverage began to rise again: it's a law that works, Italians respect the law and this is taken as a virtuous example by the French, who made it the same as us, and by the Irish and Germans who want it do equal. Perhaps, before being dismantled, this law should be strengthened, or improved.

The presumed risks of vaccines

The vaccines currently in use are the safest drugs on the market. Serious side effects with permanent damage are very rare: we are in the order of one case every few million. Considering that a disease like measles is lethal, more or less, in one case out of two thousand, it is obvious that the risk/benefit ratio of vaccines is one of the most favorable we have for all drugs.

Because preventive analyzes are not done for contraindications

Because these analyzes don't exist, they only serve one thing: to make those who perform them earn money. But they don't help the doctor in the least to identify people who might have problems, if there are such people, because this needs to be discussed. However, it must be repeated, these exams do not exist.

The vaccine is an attenuated version of the virus. But the little ones don't risk it

In fact, attenuated vaccines are administered when the child is 13 or 14 months old, inactivated vaccines are always administered at an earlier age.

Why vaccines for children also for tetanus and hepatitis B

Because both diseases are very serious and can affect children. There is neonatal tetanus and a baby can be affected. As regards hepatitis B, cases have been described in very young children because it can also be transmitted with a bite. Transmission has even been demonstrated with a child's sneeze on the chapped hands of a teacher: children must be vaccinated when they are small because while the infection by the hepatitis B virus as adults in 95% of cases does not degenerate into a chronic hepatitis, when this virus affects a child, chronic hepatitis develops in 97-98% of cases, which can then lead to cirrhosis or liver tumors in adulthood. They are very serious diseases, so it is not true that children are not exposed to these diseases. It must be said that with regard to hepatitis B, Italy was the first country, in 1991, to adopt blanket vaccination of the entire population by vaccinating all children. Some countries have chosen a different path but it was clear that Italy had taken the right path first: now all countries, which can afford it, use the vaccination scheme that Italy was the first to use.

Because once the diseases were "made" without problems

Diseases were "made" because there were no vaccines: when I was little I drove around in the car without a seat belt and drove the Vespa without a helmet, but I would never dream of carrying my daughter as my father used to carry me in the back seat of the Lancia with a pillow, I tie her to the seat.

What is the vaccination situation in Italy?

The situation in Italy has improved a lot in the last three years but is not yet at a fully satisfactory level. Above all, it would take very intense action to recover the immunization of adults.

No to the Morbillo Party suggested by the Vice President of the Senate Paola Taverna

They would only be effective in making children ill and exposing them to serious and completely avoidable risks, so they would simply be crazy.

Because vaccines are mandatory without freedom of choice

In many countries there is freedom of choice, because responsible parents vaccinate their children. Unfortunately, this is not the case here in Italy: those who do not vaccinate their child not only put their own child at risk, but also put other people's children at risk by allowing the circulation of viruses and bacteria that otherwise would not circulate. In the last measles outbreak the highest incidence was in the 0-XNUMX year age group, these are not babies who weren't vaccinated by parental choice, these are babies who were too young to be vaccinated.

What is herd immunity

When a person gets vaccinated that person will be immune and cannot be infected with the virus. When everyone gets vaccinated, the virus can no longer circulate in that community and this is very important, because when the virus can no longer circulate in a community, even those who have not yet been vaccinated will be defended, those who have not been able to get vaccinated perhaps because have contraindications, because for example they are recovering from a tumor or are undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, and also those in whom the vaccine hasn't worked, because no vaccine works 100%: therefore freedom of choice is actually a freedom that does not it only concerns one's own child but it would be more correct to speak of the freedom to choose to harm others as well, therefore asking for the freedom not to vaccinate one's children is like asking for the freedom to drive drunk.

Because 3 or 4 vaccines are not enough for the most dangerous diseases

Vaccines unfortunately are few, there aren't too many and the trouble with vaccines is that we don't have them against some very dangerous diseases. All vaccines combined contain about 260 antigens, which are individual substances that can boost the immune system. When a baby is bitten by a mosquito he comes into contact with a few thousand of these antigens, when he takes a scratch with millions of these antigens, so thinking of overloading a newborn's immune system with 260 antigens is like thinking of overloading the floor of a house with 10 ants.

The allegations about the content of harmful heavy metals

There are no vaccines that contain harmful heavy metals. All tests have shown without a doubt that vaccines are as clean as all other drugs.

Because the papilloma virus vaccine is also recommended for males

For two reasons. First because even males can be affected by very serious tumors caused by this virus, secondly because by vaccinating males we prevent the circulation of the virus.

If you lose the documentation on vaccines made

It is very simple to reconstruct the history of vaccinations, in any case, a vaccine can always be repeated without any problem if necessary, generally a patient who does not remember whether he has been vaccinated or not is not difficult to manage.

Is it true that there are cases of infectious diseases contracted by vaccinated people?

Yes of course, because no vaccine is 100% effective.

Can vaccines promote allergies?


No risk, with vaccines, of weakening the next generations

On the contrary, those who are vaccinated are stronger, because they are resistant to the disease, so by vaccinating we make our generations stronger.

If the vaccine is an attenuated version of the disease, is there a risk of passing it on to those who are immunosuppressed?

With the vaccines currently in use no. There is a very small risk with the chickenpox vaccine, but it is a very few cases out of millions of doses.

Lastly, one of the main questions that have been circulating on social media for years and are a no-vax workhorse: vaccines cause autism

No. There is no correlation between vaccinations and autism. Saying vaccines cause autism is like saying the earth is flat. It is a lie that has been completely denied, the news was propagated by a doctor who was later disbarred from the Order for this false story.
