
Vaccines and compensation: here are the new rules

They will also be granted to those who do not belong to categories for which vaccination is required, but only in the presence of "a permanent impairment of psychophysical integrity" - The government allocates 150 million

Vaccines and compensation: here are the new rules

Surprisingly, they arrive State compensation for any damage caused by the Covid vaccine. The measure is contained in the refreshment decree and against bill increases approved on Friday by the Council of Ministers. According to the latest circulated draft of the provision, compensation is due to all those who report "injuries or infirmities from which it is derived a permanent impairment of psychophysical integrity due to the anti Sars-CoV2 vaccination recommended by the Italian health authority". It therefore doesn't matter whether or not you belong to one of the professional categories for which the vaccine is mandatory.

To cover the compensation, the Draghi government has allocated 150 million euro, of which 50 for this year and 100 for 2023. As for the Checks, the procedures for monitoring compensation claims will be established by a decree of the Ministers of Health and the Economy.

La Alloy tries to name the merits of the measure, which would represent the acceptance of an agenda presented by the Salvinians and also approved by the rest of the majority in the Senate in early January. However, the other political forces do not intend to let the League pin the medal to its chest alone.

The compensations are "an important measure, because in this way another alibi is removed from the unworthy propaganda paraphernalia of the NoVax - they write in a joint note the senators dem Dario Parrini, Simona Malpezzi and Valeria Valente - and because an orientation clearly established by the Constitutional Court in several of its recent judgments is implemented on the regulatory level, according to which for the purposes of any compensation it is not legitimate to discriminate between mandatory vaccinations and recommended vaccinations ".

In the Constitutional Affairs commission, "as Pd we fought, already with an amendment first signed by Parrini shared by almost all the other groups, for the provision to enter the Super Green Pass Decree approved last week - continues the note - Then with the Government we we have agreed to use the Support Decree as a vehicle and today we are extremely pleased to see this agreement honored".

An intervention by the Movement 5 Stars: “Vaccines are safe and everyone should get vaccinated against Covid-19 but like all drugs they can give side effects – write the pentastellato members in the Constitutional Affairs and Hygiene and Health Commission of the Senate – It is essential that the CDM has approved the compensation even in cases where the vaccine is not mandatory, an aspect on which we have expressed ourselves several times, even presenting an agenda on the matter. Providing compensation is right, it's a way to make citizens understand that the state exists”.
