
Usa, Super Tuesday: Clinton and Trump triumph

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the Super Monday winners for the race for the White House – The former First Lady won in 7 states by a large margin against Sanders' 4 victories and mortgaged the nomination – Trump did the same, who won clearly in 7 states, but the Republicans are strongly divided - Flop Rubio

Usa, Super Tuesday: Clinton and Trump triumph

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will most likely be contending for the White House in the US presidential election next November. Super Tuesday gave an unequivocal signal in this sense, even if the race is not over. Seven states apiece.

Among Democrats, the former First Lady won seven states by wide margins, though rival Bernie Sanders proved he can garner plenty of youth votes and won the win in four states. Clinton's victory appears to pave the way for her nomination.

For the Republicans, even Donald Trump has achieved victory in seven states, clearly detaching his rivals, but the games are not over and no one is yet thinking of leaving the field because the party remains deeply divided. Among other things, Trump has thrown fuel on the fire to fill up the right-wing votes, arguing that he will propose building a wall on the border between the US and Mexico to stop the arrival of illegal immigrants. An American election marked by walls has never been seen before but it is the sign of the controversies and divisions of these presidential elections.

If Sanders and Cruz do not seem willing to give up for now, Super Tuesday instead decreed the incredible flop of Rubio, who however has not yet announced his retirement.
